The Official Movie Thread

fuck you. just fuck you. batman isnt a super hero, hes a rich guy who lifts weights and buys a lot of fancy eqipment. hes fucking DAVE! green lantern has the best power ever.

Batman slays. Green Lantern's awesome as well. He might be my favorite JL character
My new BLARG


I don't think there is a Disney movie better than the classic The Little Mermaid.

Disney's take on the fairytale about a princess of the sea who falls in love with a prince of... What the hell is Eric prince of anyway? ---Alas, she is of a webbed, scaly nature and he is, well, human.

Ariel however is madly in love and will do anything to get him--- and so she goes to the sea witch. Who? THE SEA WITCH *gasp* /Scuttle impersonation. They do not make Disney movies like they used to, that's for sure. Watching The Little Mermaid as an adult is very different from when you were a child. For one-----You know what lust feels like. Secondly, all the subtle sexual innuendos are much more apparent to you. (Although I'm sure we all noticed the penis on the front cover of the VHS, no?)

For example:

Ursula: Come in. Come in, my child. We mustn't lurk in doorways. It's rude. One might question your upbringing.


I really could never understand why Triton was looking down at his daughter with such contempt... Or is it Eric he's looking at? That would make more sense. However it's Ariel who looks like she's checking out Eric's goods, while Eric stares curtiously into her eyes.
And believe it or not, there is a version of this cover in which the penis pillar looks even MORE penis like.

The bishop's "erection"


Feet, lol.


"Is he --dead?"

What other movie instills such good values into young girls of the 90's such as

The men up there don't like a lot of blabber
They think a girl who gossips is a bore
Come on, they're not all that impressed with conversation
True gentlemen avoid it when they can
But they dote and swoon and fawn
On a lady who's withdrawn
It's she who holds her tongue who gets her man"​

...and that changing yourself and your physical characteristics while at the same time lying to a man will get you him and OF COURSE he won't mind! And no, this isn't like wearing a wonderbra.

--- In some respects Ariel and Ursula are alike. They are both willing to resort to magic and change their appearences to get what they desire. Only that one is love/lust and the other power/respect. The innocent share something with the wicked.


However I love this movie for other reasons.

For one, the animation is breathtaking. The underwater scenes primarily---- Everything was done right. Everything done by hand....usually with watercolor. It's stunning.


Secondly, I like Ariel's character. She may look like Barbie but she's not. She's funky, she's geeky.... after all, she'd rather go scavenging for artifacts with her loser friend Flounder than be the center of attention at a grand royale recital. Also, she's passionate, honest, has good taste in art (Remember the painting in her collection? Georges de la Tour's "Magdalene with the Smoking Flame".)

She falls in love at first sight. I love that. She knows instantly what she wants "like lightning!", and she will do anything she can to get it. (Even putting her loved ones in danger.)


Also, the music is actually good for an animated film. I mean, it's not fantastic, but hell I'm so sentimental about it it might as well be. Come on "Kiss the Girl"? "Part of Your World"? You can't deny it.


Ariel's got it bad...

I think I actually like Disney's version better than the original. Namely for Ariel's charm---- the original little mermaid was just that ---a cold-blooded sea creature. Ariel brought some very female (albeit teenage girl) traits to the character.

I think I'm going to go watch The Little Mermaid. You should too.
If you've ever been 15 inches in or around a woman's vagina, you'd know it doesn't smell like fish. Ever. Unless she has an infection. Then ew, it smells baaaaaaaad.

To me vagina usually smells more like a mixture of french fries and almonds. :| On certain days of the cycle. The rest it's pretty odorless until you get up in there and then I can't really pinpoint what it is, it's just...fleshy/humany.