The Official Movie Thread

Stalker is a beautiful movie, no doubt, with some great ideas (I love the way he resolved the dilemma about who goes in the room) but I feel that the little snippets of conversation carried on during the voyage are kind of bar-room level philosophy. They don't stand up to a lot of scrutiny. I really need to read Roadside Picnic to see if it's done better.
Saw Moon the other night and really enjoyed it


Did you? :worship:
Sam Rockwell is awesome.

P.s., Oscar Nominatons for best picture this year are....

The Blind Side
District 9
An Education
The Hurt Locker
Inglourious Basterds
A Serious Man
Up in the Air

Lol I havent seen Avatar yet...not sure how that happened

Not totally sure if A Serious Man should be up there, yeah It was a great movie, but Best Picture?

Without having seen Avatar, id have to go for Inglorious Basterds or District 9 at this point.
Nice to see A Serious Man on the list, though I don't really think it deserves best picture. My pick would go to District 9 or Inglorious.
Avatar - enjoyable but no
The Blind Side - not seen but it sucks racist omg
District 9 - good but the second half kind of suffers
An Education - not seen but sounds kind of slight
The Hurt Locker - quality
Inglourious Basterds - mostly quality
Precious - not seen but looks lol
A Serious Man - didn't like
Up - good but minor pixar, ultimately too sentimental & too juvenile
Up in the Air - mediocre
Inglorious Bastards was disjointed and suffered from poor character development and spotty dialogue. Hell no.

District 9 and The Blind Side were much better. Haven't seen the Hurt Locker but most military movies are DoD propaganda bullshit so probably isn't any good (especially since it is about the Army, lol). The only people who regularly give military movies good marks were never in.

Avatar was a much more realistic military example than most movies I have seen.
So I hear the new Batman is coming out in 2011, with Catwoman (NOT Halle Berry) and the Riddler (Johnny Depp and Eddy Murphy among the considered) as the villains.
Johnny Depp would make a great Riddler. I am just disappointed I never got to see Jim Carrey as the Joker. Would have been the best. He was a horrible Riddler.

Eddie Murphy being the Riddler would probably be worse than Jim Carrey though.
Inglorious Bastards was disjointed and suffered from poor character development and spotty dialogue. Hell no.

I agree with the bit about character development. It could have benefited from even one more scene devoted to the Basterds.

District 9 and The Blind Side were much better. Haven't seen the Hurt Locker but most military movies are DoD propaganda bullshit so probably isn't any good (especially since it is about the Army, lol). The only people who regularly give military movies good marks were never in.

Avatar was a much more realistic military example than most movies I have seen.

Well, even if the film is biased that doesn't make it bad. Most war movies try and portray the horrors of action. Just because most people don't experience them doesn't make them incorrect. Of course, I'm not claiming any firsthand knowledge; I've never served.
i can't believe i'm paid for doing this. i just love watching you prawns die.... i really don't think the cartoon supervillainy works in 'district 9'. the descent into action clichés felt jarring and deflating given the preceding context.

incidentally the only military representation stupider than that this year was that guy in 'avatar'. god the clichés powering every second of that movie are borderline nauseating and i really found it hard to get past that honestly.

'the hurt locker' is 'the wrestler' in iraq on drugs, basically. if that doesn't sound like a winning combination then i don't want to know you. more thoughts the second one down.

inglourious basterds was first and foremost a bunch of self-indulgent set pieces rather than some kind of character study, no doubt about that. but intense, fascinating set pieces like the best of IB do more to develop characters (or at least, our perspective on characters) than any clichéd overarching narrative arc can (the likes of which no doubt occured in the blind side, and certainly occured in district 9 at times).
Which guy in Avatar? And obviously you have never been in the military, so you don't know what cliches are accurate and which ones aren't.

Edit: After reading the link on it you posted, it sounds laughably bad. If the main character isn't one big inaccurate cliche then nothing is.
I have a feeling that Avatar (wich oddly I haven't seen yet) will be similar to Lord Of The Rings...only in the way that it will make a killing at the oscars, overshadow and leave other well-done movies kinda dangling in the wind so to speak?
inglourious basterds was first and foremost a bunch of self-indulgent set pieces rather than some kind of character study, no doubt about that. but intense, fascinating set pieces like the best of IB do more to develop characters (or at least, our perspective on characters) than any clichéd overarching narrative arc can (the likes of which no doubt occured in the blind side, and certainly occured in district 9 at times).

Granted District 9 and The Blind Side had some over-arching narrative cliches, but at least D9 did an alien movie differently (even if aliens were merely symbolic), and The Blind Side was a real life adaptation.

IB was a bunch of self-righteous bullshit. The demonization of the average german/ low ranking german military personnel is absurd in light of the atrocities of Allied nations.

The ONLY good scene was the opening scene. That was real, the rest came off as theater grandstanding and cliches that were tired before color movies.