The Official Movie Thread

I wonder how good [bad] the Tekken movie turns out to be.

I think it could be good for a video game movie if they indeed stuck with actual martial artists. Who knows though.

It is is impossible I tell you!

Only one movie based off a fighting game has ever turned out good, and that was 15 years ago...

Saw Dancer in the Dark. I really liked it, though the music was one of the least remarkable aspects of it, and probably wouldn't be that great out of context.
damn Antichrist was intense. Anyone got a good synposis of it or share their thoughts? Definitely missed some stuff or just way above my head, liked the ending.
So, tonight me, my mom, my sister, and my oldest cousn decided to have a movie night. We had The Time Traveler's Wife, which I didn't get to see because I wanted to sit on here and post. But I am sure it was good and I plan on watching it sometime anyways. I really wanted to see it. And then we had Funny People. I got to watch that. I watched it for the first 30 minutes and then turned it off. It was not funny, it was horrible. It had a lot of crude/sexual humor and scenes, which can be funny, but they went a little over board and it was an epic fail. It was a total turn off and made want to not watch a movie again. And plus, Jonah Hill was in it. That made it even worse. He is not even funny. I actually wish he would fall off the face of the Earth or quit acting. Either one would be nice, but both would be epic.
Holy shit, I actually saw a movie today. It was Ip Man, the one about the dude who started the first Wing Chun school that was open to the public. I got dragged into that because I was hanging out with my Wing Chun class for the Chinese New Year festival in Richmond and the movie was showing at the local dollar theater. It was a pretty cool film, nothing mindblowing but certainly enjoyable (even if it was really a pretty tragic story).
I saw Shutter Island tonight as well. I quite enjoyed it. It wasnt one of Scorceses best,but I enjoyed the lingering 50 B-movie vibe.Not sure if anyone else got that vibe, but I did.

I definitely got the B-movie vibe from it. In some cases it was creepy, but in most instances I thought it was trying way too hard.

And what the hell was with that explicatory ending? When they actually brought the white board out I was shaking my head; it made me feel like I was back in high school. Personally, I found that whole ending very disappointing and almost offensive. I realize I'm probably being too dramatic about this; but I just don't like it when films force-feed you what happened. It's condescending.

I saw The Road Friday. I thought it was pretty good. Bleak. What is the general consensus on it? I have never read the book.

I really loved that film adaptation. It was bleak, but no bleaker than the novel. I also thought it was a decent transition from book to film; there are parts of that novel that would rarely or never work on film, and I think they were handled carefully or omitted discerningly.

Great acting too, especially from the boy.

I really loved that film adaptation. It was bleak, but no bleaker than the novel. I also thought it was a decent transition from book to film; there are parts of that novel that would rarely or never work on film, and I think they were handled carefully or omitted discerningly.

Great acting too, especially from the boy.

I thought it was all very well done too. Definitely great acting by the boy. I don't know how the age of that kid/character compares to the age of the boy in the book, but the fact that his voice was still high, and that he cried at stuff, really added a lot to the movie. Also, the boy's willingness and desire to help others, contrasted with his father's unwillingness to, which is based obviously on his desire to preserve himself, but more importantly his son, was great.
Good point Einherjer. Looking back, I actually see what you mean as well.The difference is, that I accepted those all, as if they were supposed to be that blatant and obvious. (Once again tying into the 50's B-movie thing.)
And what the hell was with that explicatory ending? When they actually brought the white board out I was shaking my head; it made me feel like I was back in high school. Personally, I found that whole ending very disappointing and almost offensive. I realize I'm probably being too dramatic about this; but I just don't like it when films force-feed you what happened. It's condescending.

Indeed. I really disliked everything past the first 40 minutes or so, but I was literally rolling my eyes at the last 20 minutes of the movie. It didn't help that there were about a million ideas that weren't fleshed out at all; the movie didn't seem to know what it wanted to be.