The Official Movie Thread

Has anyone heard about this movie called A Serbian Film? What the fuck is this shit? I'd post a link to the red-band trailer, but I don't think I'm allowed.

I think NinjaGeek or someone posted a trailer a while back (with a NSFW warning) and I must say I'm intrigued. I love exploitation and depravity.
Ichi The Killer - Saw it a few years ago and decided to revisit it as it was finally released on Blu-ray. I got the movie a little better than the first time but it's still not in my top 5 Miike films. The Blu transfer looks like shit and I doubt an upconverted DVD looks any worse.
Watched Paranoid Park and Elephant by Gus Van Sant again.

Alright, so I know alot of guys on here really don't care for him. The two movies I listed above are, in my opinion, great. There are some scene's which are fucking painful to watch, and he makes quite the statement's. For example, I can relate to Elephant on a high level, because of my dad's music and it's involvement in the Columbine and Jokela School Shootings.

In my opinion, the only thing that really brings those two movies down are the occasional shitty teenage actors.I know thats a big part of the movies, but other than that I truly think they are great
Nightmare on Elm St. was basically scene for scene like the original...meh. Good visuals though, and awesome call on JACKIE FUCKING EARLE FUCKING HALEY.
Just saw Until The Light Takes Us. Varg is a seriously charismatic person (albeit in a deluded way), and I loved hearing him talk. It must be quite unexpected for outsiders to black metal, expecting some dumbed down angsty Marilyn Manson - rejects and instead getting a glimt of the massive artistical and philosophical depth, maturity and profoundness that exists whithin the scope of this genre. Not because they'll agree with his ideologies, heck I don't either, but he's an extremely fascinating and talented individual nevertheless.

Concerning the movie as a whole however, I don't understand why they thought we needed yet another documentary about this.
Shutter Island was an excellent suspense thriller, it kept me interested the whole time and the twist was so well set-up and executed.
I never liked Star Strek, but watched a newer Star Trek movie from 2009 last night and it was pretty awesome. Maybe because it was different from how I perceived Star Strek.