The Official Movie Thread

Yeah Inception looks awesome.
I saw a trailer for a movie called "Splice" today. Looks pretty good as well, hopefully it is. Also, Tonight I watched Kick-ass. Loved it.

Oh and Drugstore Cowboy's is great. William S.Burroughs as an old drugged- out priest = win.
I've seen Iron Man 1 and couldn't decide whether I like Gwynneth Paltrow or not.
Public Enemies - The movie wasn't bad but not great. I didn't understand the text at the end talking about what happened to Bale's character. Didn't believe the "love story" side at all.

The Fourth Kind - Handmaiden to Paranormal Activity, this wasn't nearly as effective to me. It had the potential but kinda buried itself in its own lore.
Public Enemies was so dull and worthless. In my opinion, Michael Mann is no better than Michael Bay; in fact, he's worse because he deludes himself into thinking that his films are somehow more intelligent and meaningful than Bay's. At least Michael "Explosion" Bay knows his films are nothing more than bang-bang action films.

I mean, come on Mann; there wasn't even any room for Depp to act around all those bullets flying. And the non-action scenes moved at the pace of a retarded turtle; no substance at all.
District B13: Ultimatum - Bigger budget but not as fun as the first. Not as much free form stuff. Some really good fights, though.

The Hurt Locker - I was afraid to find the Academy once again pandering to the flavor of the day much like they did when they showered the mediocre "Milk" with awards but I liked this one. No fooling around and tons of tension.
Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer - Really didn't get into the back story too much but fuck it, they didn't need to. Liked it.

Murder Set Pieces - I watched the entire thing wondering what all the hype was about. Researched it afterward to find out the version I saw had been cut by 8 minutes. Not sure I'll go back to see the rest, though.

Midway - Amazing how these old war movies are a billion times more realistic than modern ones.
watched Jean Pierre Melville's Le Samourai tonight. Overall, I'd say it was as good if not better than Le Cercle Rouge in terms of narrative structure. Either way, Alain Delon always gets the short end of the stick
Went to see Robin Hood with some friends. It was exactly what I was expecting.

However, we were all treated to a nice surprise; Alan Doyle of Great Big Sea has a part in it. Needless to say, that was awesome.