The Official Movie Thread

Just saw Until The Light Takes Us. Varg is a seriously charismatic person (albeit in a deluded way), and I loved hearing him talk. It must be quite unexpected for outsiders to black metal, expecting some dumbed down angsty Marilyn Manson - rejects and instead getting a glimt of the massive artistical and philosophical depth, maturity and profoundness that exists whithin the scope of this genre. Not because they'll agree with his ideologies, heck I don't either, but he's an extremely fascinating and talented individual nevertheless.

Concerning the movie as a whole however, I don't understand why they thought we needed yet another documentary about this.
When I was watching this I kept having to remind myself that Varg was a murderer, an anti-semite, and kind of dumb because he was definitely charismatic as you said. The documentary did kind of feel like it was made by some overambitious film-school hipsters who had read about black metal on wikipedia. Nothing new and the quality bordered on amateurish.

One thing I did like though was Fenriz talking about how he liked art from rich, depressed people rather than poor, oppressed people (he compared Munch to Kahlo). I can definitely relate to that.
One thing I did like though was Fenriz talking about how he liked art from rich, depressed people rather than poor, oppressed people (he compared Munch to Kahlo). I can definitely relate to that.

Interesting sentiment, have not heard it expressed before.

Saw The Human Centipede yesterday. It was hilarious, bad in a good way. The villain was awesomely cheesy. Nowhere near as disturbing as I've heard, the only unsettling part was the concept itself.
It's not that good, but I liked the visuals. Was especially fond of that scene with the black guy walking past the burning hallway and paying it no mind. Felt like a perfect metaphor.
I showed my gf Ran the other day because (1) it's a great fucking film, and (2) I thought she should see a Kurosawa film for once in her life. She doesn't usually get into the stuff that I watch, but she did mention during the film that she was enjoying it. This is one area where we clash. I showed her Aguirre, the Wrath of God one time and she didn't seem to like it. Sometimes I think I'm a bit too much of a snob in this area, but for crying out loud it's fucking Herzog, and one of his best films no less! :erk:
A movie you can watch once in awile and never get sick of it. One of my favs.

Until The Light Takes Us

Nice doc. with Varg and Fenriz, but they are just trying to hard. Still a fun watch.
Plan 9 From Outer Space - ...the hell? What a shit-dumb movie. I kinda knew it was bad but wow.

you gotta watch the MST3K treatment for this film. Classic

Saw The Human Centipede yesterday. It was hilarious, bad in a good way. The villain was awesomely cheesy. Nowhere near as disturbing as I've heard, the only unsettling part was the concept itself.

a friend of mine sent me the trailer for this on facebook. I'm almost curious enough to rent it

The final boss got raped so easily, I mean wtf. WTF.

^Haha, Super 8 looked cool yeah. Also Inception, only because all my Batman homies are in it. Now there's a good fucking movie. Batman. But this Iron Man bullfuck. COME ON. A=[DNH;L SA=ETOKHPMSERPGONHLKMA WER]-GY0 HAJOMEKLT DHGBN-KPOMALW ERDTHGN ]-0AJPWODTHGXB-] POMLK;A EZTDH-NOBPMKETDNG