The Official Movie Thread

I'm trying to find out the name of a film but I have no idea where to start. I remember my mum watching it when I was very young and can only remember certain points. I'd appreciate it if anyone could help me find out what it is. Here's what I can remember:

If I remember correctly, the film centres on a boy who is born with what I think may have been Dwarfism. I think his mother dies in child birth but I'm not sure. The main plot happens when he is a teenager. I can't remember what happens throughout the film but it ended with him being on a schoolbus crashing into a river or lake when a deer walks in front of it. The boy then saves everyone but later dies in hospital with his friend by his side. I think there was something about this event being his destiny or something but, again, I'm not sure. It was an American or Canadian film from what I think was the 90s or late 80s but I could be wrong.

I know it doesn't sound like the happiest film but if you could help me I'd really appreciate it.
have to add my voice to the chorus of "Holy Fuck"s in regards to Inception. Goddamn Christopher Nolan. Only he could pull off a narrative that complex and deep and have it all make sense. Absolutely brilliant and one of the most interesting and intense films I've seen in a while.

also, a lot of it was filmed in LA and Long Beach by where I live. I drive by that bridge the van goes off of almost everyday (and yeah, it is actually a drawbridge)