The Official Movie Thread

I recently watched a claymation film called Mary and Max.

I thought it was funny yet sad (Imagine Up, only much more melancholy). The technical achievement is what surprised me and it was beautifully shot, well written and had a great story. I never really tear up during movies, but this one really got to me.
I watched Pretty Village, Pretty Flame yesterday.

What a fucking awesome film. It shows the Bosnian war from the Serb perspective.
Pusher II & III - Liked all three of them but I think I liked II the best. I really liked Milo since the first film but felt a bit slighted on the film based on him. Still a great character, though.

Battle For The Planet Of The Apes - Last of the Ape movies and a letdown. The "war" for the "city" was barely a skirmish.
I recently watched a claymation film called Mary and Max.

I thought it was funny yet sad (Imagine Up, only much more melancholy). The technical achievement is what surprised me and it was beautifully shot, well written and had a great story. I never really tear up during movies, but this one really got to me.

yeah it's really great
saw The Other Guys, the first half or so was really funny but i thought it was a tad long. and Marky mark didn't sell me on being funny, he yelled randomly a lot and seemed to have bad timing. his funniest parts was his body movement actually. Will was spot on of course
Watching Dogtooth with about ten minutes left and what a strange movie this is, wondering if the ending will develop anything with the story. Watched Irreversible last night, was ok--but I think I saw someone say it was better than memento which is just insane in the membrane
Watched Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance last night. Pretty intense flick. It was one of those movies that just kind of leaves you not knowing what to say afterword because everything turns to such shit for every character.

I have already seen Oldboy, so now I just have to watch Lady Vengeance to finish up Park Chan-Wook's "Vengeance Trilogy". Perhaps tonight.
Could anyone rec me some good middle ages/dark ages type movies? Looking for stuff in the style of 13th Warrior, Braveheart, Kingdom of Heaven, Pathfinder (but with a less shitty story) etc. At least reasonably serious and not too low budget- IE no Sci Fi Channel Merlin or Prince Valiant type junk.

watched Cronenberg's Dead Ringers. It was pretty interesting of course haha. Jeremy Irons was great. It was actually a bit more subdued than most of Cronenberg's 80s films. There were only a few moments that made me think, "Ah yes. This is a cronenberg flick."