The Official Movie Thread

blah i hated that, stupid-ass story, annoying characters i didnt give a shit about, etc
The Expendables let me down. I'm starting to wonder if im just a terrible person that can't enjoy a hollywood movie any more, this whole year in Korea I havent seen one good movie at the theater, don't know what to do with my life.
Expendables was alright, it had a lot of fighting and explosions, and seeing all those action stars together was cool... but the story couldve been more serious and less cliched (evil american taking over a little island and its poor locals? really?)... and a lot more cursing and nudity/sex wouldve made it REALLY AWESOME but oh well.
I watched "Bean: The Ultimate Disaster Movie" on Youtube last night. It's so '90s and so funny. I actually giggled and laughed aloud home alone watching it.
So watched "The Expendables". And I must say that seeing all those actors in one movie was really cool, especially the cameo by Bruce Willis & Arnold.

And I have never seen a movie with so much violence, gore & Explosions in one movie.

The best part was definitely the scene with Terry Crews mowing down people down a hallway with a USAS 12 Shotgun!

Kick Ass was just plain fucking fun.
Great movie.

Made better by the butthurt it brought about.
"Oh noes, I'm sexually attracted to a 12 year old, I better complain"
I didn't dislike it as much as that guy but some of his criticisms are accurate.

It starts as though it's going to expose the huge gulf between comic strips and reality, but ends up reducing the real world to the most morally fatuous kind of comic strip.

Also, I don't think Hit-Girl was as sexualized as he writes, but he may be exaggerating to make his point. Regardless, sexual attraction to an 11 year old was expressed in the movie and she was wearing tight leather and acting precocious. They either should've made her 16 or made her less sexual. It wasn't blatant sexuality imo but it was there.

It also barely talked about how, regardless of premature sexualizing, Hit-Girl was basically abused by her father. I found myself rooting for the bad guys in the movie because all they were doing was selling cocaine. Nicholas Cage's character was training a small child to murder to live out his revenge fantasy.

EDIT: Most of the jokes were lame too
Oh get fucked man,I've never read any reviews on this vid and it was given to me on a rec and return from my bro...fuck me that dude must be a pedo,not once did I look at Hit-girl other than a kick ass little piece of weaponary....fuck me some people are dickheads
I thought kick-ass was gonna be like superbad meets superhero but fuck was i wrong, i was taken aback when i saw it. wayyyyy more fucked up than i thought it would be. nothing to have me poo my pants but i wasn't expecting it at all.

anyways, i've been watching movies like a fiend and i have over 9000 more to watch, fuck this great local library

Carnival of Souls: an old B movie horror flick, the acting was kind of crap on the main characters part but it was decent and the locations were cool

Bringing Darkness to Light This was a doc on film noir, of which i got quite a few so i wanted to sort of get the whole picture before diving in, had lots of cool interviews with old noir filmmakers as well as people like chris nolan and others

Crime Wave First noir film, it didn't exactly follow the "formula" of a classic noir but it was decent. I got three dvd's and each one has two noir film son it, this was the first, the second was

Decoy this was fucking way superior to crime wave, story was awesome and had true noir elements. the femme fatale made me rage :lol: and the beginning/ending were superb.

Mafioso An old italian movie about a man who brings his wife and kids back to sicily where he was raised and is asked to do something for the local Don, not a typical mafia film though. I liked it, although those italians talk so fucking fast :lol:

The Miles Davis Story: After reading his auto-biography this didn't really compare, only good parts were the sparse interviews/clips/footage of him and other jazz musicians. it doesn't get the job done in telling his life at all but then again it takes a whole book to do that.

The Final Destination: The most recent one, i watched it with my dad because he's friend with/worked on a movie with the black haired chick. haley webb i think is her name. it was pretty cheesy but i always enjoy the elaborate death scenes. and there was one part where i got mindfucked which was cool

The Crazies: My dad had said he liked it a lot and I thought it was going to be shit when i saw the title and commercials a while ago but it was fucking solid. I didn't know it was a remake..but it was better than your zombie/apocalyptic/crazy mutha fucka flick. the ending was excellent, i fuuuuuu'd

Now i have a plethora of other movies to watch, from alphaville to le jour se leve to ran to the third man to a very long engagement etc. etc.
All righty so I watched Millennium Actress and I don't really see what was so amazing, the director seemed to want a 12-year old esque dialog, which didn't really sit with me. The whole movie had a very teenagery feel to it. Hayao, as apparently he has been compared to, never has had that affect with me and I think I have seen all his films. His films in my opinion can be enjoyed on whatever age you can be..but this film was pretty lame. The main character I really couldn't understand her and honestly wouldn't recommend this to anyone.
I liked Millennium Actress, although not as much as Paprika and Perfect Blue. I could relate to the main character and in a sense I feel like I am carrying a key around my neck as well. I thought the final line was fucking stupid though.

Just saw Kick Ass. A few months late, I know, but I live in the northern realms of no theatres. The first 30-50 minutes or so were really damn good, but after that, it lost steam. The idea of a self-made superhero is intriguing, and I haven't seen it done before on a grass-root level like this. So while Dave's naive attempts to become a superhero are interesting to watch, when Kick Ass has access to Big Daddy's arsenal and much more competent superheroes at his side, the movie loses any advantage it had over much better superhero movies.

The romantic subplot was stupid. Also, I totally called what the thing Big Daddy and Hit Girl ordered would be.

Didn't care much for Cage's performance. Personally, I would have liked to see this guy as Big Daddy, although it would have been a radically different performance:


Was planning on watching Martyrs next, but the neighbours are being loud. Might have to wait until tomorrow.