The Official Movie Thread

I watched Bitch Slap and I laughed many times, it's kinda like Zombieland, but sexy. Zombieland was only good for like 30 minutes and then totally fucked up.
Act of Violence: a classic noir, liked it a lot. not much more to say :p

Alphaville: I just finished watching this and it was just fucking weird. very much like 1984/brave new world/dystopia etc. but mixed with film noir...some great shots though, there was one that was like 4 minutes without a cut.
Alphaville isn't my favorite Godard film (I believe that's who directed it). It still has his signature style of cool noir film, but he has better films
Redbelt - Not really an MMA fan for starters. Kind of your standard guy-is-a-badass-and-doesn't-want-to-fight-but-circumstances-force-him-to movie with the expected ending. Not really much action either considering the subject matter. Just kind of a messy mess.
I liked Millennium Actress, although not as much as Paprika and Perfect Blue. I could relate to the main character and in a sense I feel like I am carrying a key around my neck as well. I thought the final line was fucking stupid though.

so's the final line of perfect blue to be fair :p

i just find millennium actress exhilarating and the impression it leaves with me is a real sense of love for cinema. it may be a tad juvenile but not in a way i dislike, just feels full of wonder and playfulness to me, which ain't a bad thing at all. miyazaki can be a bit stodgy and conceptual sometimes, i really like him but that's primarily for his style, i tend to feel a bit distanced on an emotional level.

rms you should try 'perfect blue', 'cause that one's kind of the opposite to 'millennium actress' in a lot of ways, cold and disturbing. i dunno if you like 'mulholland drive' but it's a pretty obvious precursor (aronofsky also nicked a scene for requiem for a dream for some reason)
so's the final line of perfect blue to be fair :p

i just find millennium actress exhilarating and the impression it leaves with me is a real sense of love for cinema. it may be a tad juvenile but not in a way i dislike, just feels full of wonder and playfulness to me, which ain't a bad thing at all. miyazaki can be a bit stodgy and conceptual sometimes, i really like him but that's primarily for his style, i tend to feel a bit distanced on an emotional level.

rms you should try 'perfect blue', 'cause that one's kind of the opposite to 'millennium actress' in a lot of ways, cold and disturbing. i dunno if you like 'mulholland drive' but it's a pretty obvious precursor (aronofsky also nicked a scene for requiem for a dream for some reason)

I do like Mulholland Dr. and have Perfect Blue ready to give it a whirl, just been cramming out all the seasons of Seinfeld i've missed being in Korea lately :loco: