The Official Movie Thread

on the flipside i think my opinions, and probably just about everybody's opinions, of any particular film are too mutable, dependent on the context of a particular viewing, the number of viewings, the time since last viewing and the mood at the time of editing the rating. i fiddled with my criticker ratings constantly and something that felt right one day would feel out of whack the next, which is no longer a problem in my much broader system (1-5). and anyway let's face it, telling someone you rate something a 74 outside the context of criticker is unhelpful and sounds ridiculous. 7.5/10 will suffice dude!
I don't see the point in altering any of my views to fit into what someone else or external standards deem acceptable.

As an aside, I do use a 5 point system for music as that is much more prone to vast amounts of love, hatred, and most importantly value identification..
I recently starting using criticker and I think it makes sense to have the 100 point scale for ratings. Even if you prefer a 4, 5 or 10 point scale you're still using percentages so really, it should work for everyone. Ideally, I am most comfortable rating things 10, 9.5, 9, 8.5 etc. because these ratings are less likely to change over time. And personally, I think if I am able to say I like a certain film more than another then they really don't deserve the same rating so there's at least enough room here to differentiate. This is why the 5 point scale does not work for me.
well yeah 5 points is very broad, but i'm content with it atm. currently everything i dislike is a 1 and everything i have no strong feeling towards is a 2, and that at least i will probably stick with because making subtle distinctions between shit movies is a huge waste of my time.
Prince of Persia - Meeehhhhhhhh. They tried. A few nice homages to the game but this is typical newer Hollywood fare complete with over the top and sometimes horrible CGI coupled with plenty of WTF moments that viewers are just supposed to get past.

The Kite Runner - Not as good as I hoped but overall engaging enough that I was attentive throughout.
Decided to stay up 'til three in the morning to watch Sin City, even though I've seen it before. Totally worth it.

I've been considering getting into the graphic novels for a while but they're pretty expensive.
In Bruges - Very solid dark comedy. Both leads did a fantastic job. The very ending was a little shaky for me but overall I really liked it.

probably the first movie with Colin Ferrell I've enjoyed. I really liked it.

Watched "The Ghost Writer" last night starring Ewan MacGregor and Pierce Brosnan directed by Roman Polanski. It was actually really good and interesting. The first half was pretty slow, but the last 45 minutes definitely picked up. Not a bad film
Apocalypse Now - Saw it many years ago and decided to revisit since they put it out on Blu. What a weird fucking movie. It's good, for sure, but I didn't remember it this way.

Must have been the Redux; which IMO isn't as good.

Recently watched The Toxic Avenger for the first time in decades. Way fun 80's exploitation. Man! It is amazing the shit we could get away with back then before PC ran amok. Those were fun times.
Just watched "Let the Right One In" last night. Really good movie, though it was not what I expected going into it.
don't, the original is amazing. Let Me In was a let down and imo misses the portrayal of the original.

Watched Horrors of Dracula last night, I think my first 1960s movie and was pretty fun watch. Not gory enough though!
a few friends of mine who were avid fans of the original said the remake was fairly good compared to the original...not better but definitely decent. Having not seen the original, I thought Let Me In was definitely interesting