The Official Movie Thread

Jonah Hex - If you have a movie whose length struggles (and fails) to reach an hour and a half and whose script is this weak, why wouldn't you just say "to hell with it" and ratchet up the violence and gore? Not sure what demographic this was aimed at but good job casting Megan Fox, the only reason I rented it in the first place.
Anyone see Sucker Punch? Despite being completely unsubtle, over-the-top and totally misunderstanding the plight of suffering, victimized women, I thought it was fucking awesome and good proof that Snyder doesn't give a fucking shit.

yeah it was fantastic! i was flipping out! i dont understand all the negative reviews, gay ass critics cant appreciate the film for what it is. my favorite part was the fight with the 3 huge ass demon samurai. the soundtrack was pretty cool too.
HOP - was damn good!

I'm also very interested in seeing the new Conan The Barbarian. The movie trailer however literally doesn't show us much. Does anyone have anything on this yet?
Check out this guy's movie reviews. His Star Wars Prequels reviews are some of the greatest internet things ever.

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The Karate Kid (new one) - Well, I wanted to hate it more than I did. Actually appreciated Jackie Chan not acting like a total buffoon for once. As someone who grew up with the original, I can't find a reason for the remake but this isn't without some merit.

Memories Of Murder - Quirky Korean suspense film. I knew I was going to really like it within 5 minutes and it delivered. Director also did Mother and The Host, both of which I enjoyed.
I saw the film The Rite. I really only watched it because it had Anthony Hopkins (so I thought it might have some potential) and because I like the concept of demonic possession, as fictional as it is.

Overall I thought the film was very weak. It relies too much on the usual Hollywood gimmicks, and is very formulaic and predictable. Not to mention, the film really strikes me as being a Christian film, especially with the ending.
Doctor Zhivago - Good but not one of my favorite of the classics. Deserving of all of the awards that it won.

Piranha - Better than I thought it would be mostly because it didn't try to be anything other than a gore and tit fest. Still hate watching the 3D effects in 2D because they look so cheap.