The Official Movie Thread

Paranormal Activity 2 - Kinda creepy but seemed to lack the overall punch the first one had. Couple of scenes haired me out.

A Woman, A Gun, And a Noodle Shop - Yimou Zhang (Hero, House Of Flying Daggers) piece. Not as good as some of his other stuff. Was enjoyable to watch as it went along but ultimately forgettable. As usual, beautiful use of color although night skies seem to be the latest thing he's in love with.
I'm watching some old Hammer movies. Twins of Evil was the last one, can definitely recommend it for vampire buffs. Has a very metal theme too.

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PotC 4 was a fun movie, better than the clusterfuck that was 3. cool action sequences, mermaids and Penelope Cruz.
Ewan McGregor is such a lucky bastard, he gets to make out with 2 of my favorite actresses in 2 separate upcoming movies :mad:

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Get Low - Decent enough but I like Robert Duvall so yeah.

127 Hours - I figured it would be a drawn out, overly dramatic yawn fest but it was pretty short and to the point. Not bad.

The Legend of the Shadowless Sword - Korean wire-fu flick containing all of the necessary elements: rooftop flying, people exploding from a poke from a hero's sword, insanely gorgeous Asian women with swords, and running on the surface of water. Love 'em. Come to think of it, the title had nothing to do with the movie. Hm.