The Official Movie Thread

I remember back in high school we were planning to watch Wall Street but the teacher forgot to bring the tape so we watched Tommy instead. I saw many strange reactionary faces that day.
Hah. Same thing here. Not a lot of people are happy with watching black & white movies in today's world, a shame.

I love Dr. Strangelove. Great, great movie.
Oh absolutely, I like black comedy and they just completely nailed it.
Kubrick was a brilliant director, although I still find 2001 to be vastly overrated.

Also... Watched Taxi Driver and L.A. Confidential the other night. Excellent stuff. James Cromwell was fucking great in L.A.
A lot of horror remakes arent as bad as they're made out to be. Two of the most offensive ones to me were A Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween though...

Mostly because they tried to change the actual premise of those movies, making Freddy a sympathetic character and Michael Myers a tortured child.

You were allowed to just be fucking evil in the 80s. In the 2000s-2010s, apparently you need a reason to be evil.

I think they're terrible for the most part. John Carpenter's The Thing is the only horror remake I like off the top of my head (but naturally, that was re-re-made as well). The stupid "back story" they always throw in is one of the many reasons I hate remakes so much. It's better when it's left a mystery.

Has anyone seen A Serbian Film? I've been meaning to watch it but I don't know if I can bring myself to do it after simply reading descriptions of the movie (and this is coming from someone who likes to be disturbed).
I think they're terrible for the most part. John Carpenter's The Thing is the only horror remake I like off the top of my head (but naturally, that was re-re-made as well). The stupid "back story" they always throw in is one of the many reasons I hate remakes so much. It's better when it's left a mystery.

Has anyone seen A Serbian Film? I've been meaning to watch it but I don't know if I can bring myself to do it after simply reading descriptions of the movie (and this is coming from someone who likes to be disturbed).

The Hills Have Eyes remake was pretty decent. I haven't seen the original though.

Think A Serbian Film was discussed a few pages back. A lot of people will probably disagree with this, but I think if you can stand something like Saw, then you can probably stand A Serbian Film. From the start, it has a really obvious exploitation/grindhouse feel, so it's quite clear that it's not meant to be taken seriously.
Are we talking about the same movie? Wasn't it pretty high budget with some of Serbia's big name actors? Saw was really not that disturbing at all and I'm surprised you'd lump that in the same category as a movie that depicts baby rape (among other things).

The Hills Have Eyes original is a lot different than the remake. The characters are creepy on a personality level as opposed to the remake blatantly making them look deformed. I also can't believe they didn't even use Pluto as a character in the remake.
Maybe I worded that wrong. A Serbian Film is much, much better than Saw but, visually, it's not that disturbing. The gore is nothing you haven't seen before and the only truely disturbing parts of the film are only implied for the most part. The baby rape isn't that graphic and the same goes for the other infamous scenes of the film. What I'm saying is that the shocking parts are only shocking in concept rather than depiction.
Well I haven't seen it so I couldn't comment. I don't see why something wouldn't be shocking just because it's campy though (i.e. Cannibal Holocaust).
It's like they were trying too hard.
Nail and head. A serious case of the try too hard's. If all your film has going for it is "shocking" imagry then you're in trouble. It's the main reason the Augest Underground movies bored me to tears. I'll say this about A Serbian Film, the filmmakers seemed to have gotten what they wanted, people talking and placing the film on many a "most shocking" list. But the difference between it and films such as Salo, The Beast, The Night Porter and Crash (Cronenberg's, not the after school special with a budget), those films had a lot more to offer than just provocative subject matter.
Cronenberg's Crash didn't really interest me much. I'm a huge fan of his stuff, but after halfway through I just turned it off. Maybe I need to revisit it
Cronenberg's Crash didn't really interest me much. I'm a huge fan of his stuff, but after halfway through I just turned it off. Maybe I need to revisit it

It's not bad. Even I finished it and enjoyed it and I'm not much into all this "racism in america" shit. American History X is a cool movie though. US movies about these problems are usually predictable and even when they are shocking they repeat all the clichés that bore me.