The Official Movie Thread

Looking at this, I'm pretty sure it was the uncut version I saw. Psychonaut is right in that it's really campy. I think it's supposed to be like that though. In terms of presentation, it's a lot like watching a Robert Rodriguez film.

Did you see the baby rape scene? If it was "implied" then you saw the cut version.

I'm not sure if you guys know what campy means. Campy films usually don't have high budgets or good acting (unless the bad acting is intentional). Campy doesn't necessarily mean over-the-top, especially if it's within the context of a movie centered around a twisted porn industry.
Did you see the baby rape scene? If it was "implied" then you saw the cut version.

I'm not sure if you guys know what campy means. Campy films usually don't have high budgets or good acting (unless the bad acting is intentional). Campy doesn't necessarily mean over-the-top, especially if it's within the context of a movie centered around a twisted porn industry.

Okay, maybe it's more than just implied, but all you really see is a guy humping a blob that looks kind of like a baby. It's the sound direction that's the really disturbing part. Despite what I've said previously, this scene is probably the most distressing in the film.

Perhaps you're right on that point. However, this film is still very tongue-in-cheek and everything apart from the baby rape is just standard exploitation movie violence, albeit with some imaginative twists.

Why don't you just watch it and make up your own mind?
It's not bad. Even I finished it and enjoyed it and I'm not much into all this "racism in america" shit. American History X is a cool movie though. US movies about these problems are usually predictable and even when they are shocking they repeat all the clichés that bore me.
That's the other Crash. Cronenberg's is about car crash fetishists.

unknown said:
Cronenberg's Crash didn't really interest me much. I'm a huge fan of his stuff, but after halfway through I just turned it off. Maybe I need to revisit it
It's a slow burn I'll admit but I found it fascinating, especially the way Unger's character developed and the way her's and Spader's marrage really "worked". Plus Elias Koteas knocked it out of the park in his role, and it also features my favorite Howard Shore score. Chilling.

Dead Man
Just saw The Dark Knight Rises and wow how people have fallen for the hype. Im not saying it was outright bad, because it wasn't but it was a huge mess. Loads of storyline threads that were dropped, didnt make sense or were otherwise a detriment of the film. Th pacing was weird and I still dont like Bale as Batman (he is a good Bruce Wayne though). Im very disapointed as the two first Batman flicks Nolan did was pretty great (I know Im in the minority but I think Batman Begins especially was excellent).
Just saw The Dark Knight Rises and wow how people have fallen for the hype. Im not saying it was outright bad, because it wasn't but it was a huge mess. Loads of storyline threads that were dropped, didnt make sense or were otherwise a detriment of the film. Th pacing was weird and I still dont like Bale as Batman (he is a good Bruce Wayne though). Im very disapointed as the two first Batman flicks Nolan did was pretty great (I know Im in the minority but I think Batman Begins especially was excellent).

Batman Begins was the best of the trilogy

Dark Knight Rises totally sucked

and i know i'll get flamed for this but The Dark Knight with Heath Ledger sucked too
The Flowers of War - a bit overproduced but overall a great movie. gotta admit many scenes choked me up.
Guess what, guys. I've actually found a recent movie about the ancient world that doesn't suck. It's called Agora and it's about the Greek woman philosopher Hypatia (Rachel Weisz) and the conflict between Christianity and paganism in Alexandria around the turn of the fifth century CE. I take some issue with its modern interpretational bias against Christianity and its implied equivalency of Greek philosophy with modern science, but overall it is very well acted and visually breathtaking.

Thanks to unknown for the recommendation, which I pass on to the rest of you.
Batman Begins was the best of the trilogy

Dark Knight Rises totally sucked

and i know i'll get flamed for this but The Dark Knight with Heath Ledger sucked too

1. Yes!

2. I dont think so but it was very underwhelming. 2 out of 5 or so.

3. Nah... I went in to that film ready to think Ledger was overrated (the hype was in full force at that time) but I was positively surprised. His acting was top notch. The film does suffer from being to long and having a few to many directions it goes in. Overall however I think its a good movie.
What didn't you like about it?

everything AFTER the scene where Harvey Dent's chair falls over

here's how i would have done it

i would have done a scene where Joker and all the Asian mobsters are somehow tricked into thinking Harvey Dent is Dead
then have the audience see Harvey Dent alive in a coma
then show Batman apprehending Joker and Mobsters
then show a close-up of Dent's half-melted face with Harvey Dent opening his eyes as the last second before a cut to black and showing the end credits with Two-Face being the main villain in the NEXT movie

that would have been totally bad-ass
cramming Joker and Two-Face in the same movie was just too much shit going on cuz you already had mobsters on top of Joker
and all the dialogue of Joker-talking-to-Dent was just trying too hard to be to much of a philosophical movie
watched the very first Spiderman movie again last night

upon re-watching, it's very obvious that Raimi is the director...
not sure if that's good or bad, though...
Watched a couple bad old horror movies today. It's become a habit, as of late. They're both 40 years old, so I dont care if I'm spoiling them.

Lair of the Minotaur
A few couples explore ruins, get abducted by pagans. The pagans worship a statue of a minotaur which satan speaks to them through. They get sacrificed. While in this ritual, all the pagans are invunerable to physical damage. In a bizarre final scene, a priest flings holy water on the minotaur statue and some of the pagans. This causes them to fucking explode. Didnt see that coming.

The Hearse
Woman inherits dead aunt's house. Dead aunt was a witch. Dead aunt was tricked into thinking she could live forever by a satan type figure. Satan type figure attempts to get girl to believe same crap, she doesnt. This sounds worse than it actually was. Maybe I was a little sleepy while watching.