The Official Movie Thread


Every Star Trek movie I like, but that one, really?

To each his/her own but I like:

Wrath of Kahn
Voyage Home

In that order.


the Re-Booted movie
the ones with Picard
The Undiscovered Country
The Voyage Home
Wrath of Khan

in that order

re-watched The Undiscovered Country Christmas Eve
the illegal ale looked like Windex, the Klingon Blood was obviously Pepto-Bismal, and the one-eyed Klingon had the eye-patch bolted to his face
The Undiscovered Country and The Voyage Home are my favorites. I need to watch the others again. It's been a loooong time. Maybe I'll have a Star Trek marathon soon.
Indiana Jones 4

Fucking underrated. That's what it is.
the "action" was like it was made for an adhd audience. some scenes were downright ridiculous, like for example the "swinging through the trees with the monkeys" one.

the movie just didn't have the soul of the first 3. even then i thought it was ok... until the fucking aliens came out.
Drive is bloody fantastic. I can't believ it's taken me this long to see it.

In other news, Texas Chainsaw 3D is apparently a piece of shit. No surprises there. Let's hope The Evil Dead turns out good.
I Confess (1953) - Lesser Hitchcock my ass. Kind of low key for a Hitchcock film yes, but no less gripping. Amazing how Hitch can take a story like this and pile on intrigue after intrigue.

Behind Convent Walls (1978) - Nunsploitation classic, my personal favorite of the subgenre. Blasphemous and at times quite humorous. Complete with Jesus dildo scene.
The comic-book movies are starting to piss me off.

I refuse to watch any of them. I watched the X-Men trilogy because I'm a fanboy of old X-Men comics and the old cartoon, but even they blew. I have not seen Iron Man, The Punisher, The Hulk, The Avengers, The Fantastic 4, or anything of the ilk. FUCK them in their BUTTS with a COCK in the BUTTS. Penis dick weener.

Did you all know that Glenn Danzig was originally supposed to play Wolverine until they got Hugh Jackman?

EDIT: I lied. I watched the Dark Knight trilogy. It was better than the X-Men movies, sadly. I'm gay.
I thought The Avengers was insanely overrated and I have no intention of seeing any of the other Marvel movies that are lined up, with the exception of The Amazing Spiderman 2.

Sin City 2 will probably be the best comic movie to come out this year, if it come out this year. The first one is exactly what comic book movies are supposed to be.
I have pretty much nonexistent interest in comic books so certainly not comic book movies.

All the previews at the Hobbit (saw it again yesterday, liked it less the 2nd time) were for supernatural/postapocalyptic movies. It was just the same plot rehashed several times for different releases with slightly different actors. Yawn. This is why I never keep current on movies.