The Official Movie Thread

what i really loved were the pissed-off Tweets done in response to "star wars and star trek having the same director"

Congress needs to step in to prevent Star Wars and Star Trek from having the same director. That’s absurd.

Cmon. You can't do Star Trek AND Star Wars. I won't comment until I see EP VII but geez. That's like blasphemy

Wait, can you really direct STAR TREK ~and~ STAR WARS? Doesn't that open up some kind of nerd wormhole?
Open Range - My favorite western of the last 20 years. Robert Duvall is awesome and this is Kevin Costner's best performance. The shootout at the end shocked me the first time I saw this movie.
Ein, I just watch the trailor for that movie and it looks really interesting.

Also, after reading your post on Take Shelter again I was wondering if you could recommend some "AntiHumanism" type films..
Lars Von Trier's work is certainly a good place to look; I think I remember you posting about him before. His film Melancholia is great and, in some ways, similar to Take Shelter. I actually don't think Take Shelter is strictly "anti-humanist," and if I said that in my post I might have to remedy it... I think there are anti-humanist elements in Take Shelter, but I also think that there's an impressive human element in the representation of the family unit. That said, the climatological aspects are certainly portrayed in an inhumanist manner.

I unfortunately don't have a wide knowledge of anti-humanist cinema (literature, on the other hand, I can give you lists :cool:), and would in fact like to see more. Most doesn't make it to the big screen; but I'd recommend a "revisionist" western, The Proposition, if you haven't seen it; while it isn't entirely anti-humanist, its concern with and discussion of human existence is rather bleak.

Some other people in this thread might know more about this category than me; sorry I couldn't be more help.
(literature, on the other hand, I can give you lists :cool:), and would in fact like to see more. Most doesn't make it to the big screen; but I'd recommend a "revisionist" western, The Proposition, if you haven't seen it; while it isn't entirely anti-humanist, its concern with and discussion of human existence is rather bleak.

I'll definitely check out The Proposition.

Yea man, throw that list in the book/reading thread.
Watched Brokeback Mountain. Yeah, gay lulz and shit. But god damn this is an amazing movie. The love felt between the two fags is far more genuine than that shit in Slumdog Millionaire. And that ending, holy shit it's so damn naturalistic. By that I mean the literary definition.

"Jack, I swear..."