The Official Movie Thread

Yeah it was pretty good, nowhere near as good as Skyfall though. I thought the story kind of dragged on a bit. And I don't know it kind of felt lackluster when it came to the action after the Helicopter scene after that there just wasn't much going on in between that and the car chase and train fight.

And Lea Seydoux is a fucking beauty. Man she was absolutely stunning and sooooo hot!


She doesnt look very hot in

Blue Is the Warmest Colour
dont et me wron ses very ot in spectre, but wit sort air and no make up, ses not all tat reat

sorry about te broken keyboard, juice was spilt
A few movies:

The Descent: This movie is on Netflix and starts out a little slow but its actually a really awesome horror! Once the story kicks in (which it takes awhile, like 20-30 minutes) its terrifying. The camera angles are brilliant. They really made it seem like a cave, and the way the monsters pop up is scary.

The Selfish Giant: A bleak British film. About kids, poverty and death but connects these dots really successfully. Sort of coming of age film. A genre I really like, and would like to watch more of.

Fallen Angels: A Wong Kar Wei film set in Hong Kong. I watched this movie actually really high and thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved the fish eye lens and the constantly moving camera. The hitman's assistant was super cool too.

Paris, Texas: About a guy who is found wandering in the wilderness in Texas without any memory of who he is. His brother finds him, eventually, and the rest of the movie is about his return to society. An oldish film, maybe around the 1980s. You find out about his past life, and why he ran way. One of those slow burner films but absolutely worth the time it takes. The guy who directed it, Wim Wnders, said it was his love letter to America. The country itself sort of becomes a character in the film, in an abstract way. Kind of like how the neighborhood in Edward Scissorhands is very distinct and the whole thing has a character on its own? Sort of like that.
Descent sequel is aight, but the original is pretty awesome

I havent seen the sequel, but the original definitely surprised me. It comes off, at first, a little weird I'll admit. Mostly because i didnt understand why they were in the cave to begin with. To me, i dont think that is something reasonable people do. But it's well filmed with excellent timing for scary parts.
THE DESCENT is good yeah, and tbf i think people do actually do that cave climbing shit round these parts. the all-chick crew was fine (the film leaves it largely uncommented upon, it's hardly some feminist screed lol), unless you're a wimp who's scared of tough women i suppose. the sequel's the definition of redundant btw, i wouldn't bother.

THE SELFISH GIANT is a solid little working class coming of age movie in the KES tradition, complete with rag 'n bone men and the like. it's kinda schematic compared to, say, a mike leigh or dardennes movie, but not bad.

FALLEN ANGELS is one of the few wongs i haven't seen, but i get the impression he was consistently pretty great all the way up to ITMFL. love all that sensual longing/melancholia.

PARIS, TEXAS is amazing. wrote a little capsule about it here. would make a great double bill with STROSZEK i bet.
The Descent all chick cast makes sense. She lost her family, she's with her immediate friends. Why would dudes be around? Only one who comes off kinda feminist is the brown skinned cave climbing leader chick, but that's really minute.
The Book Thief is really propagandistic for a modern film about WW2. The allies themselves are supposed to have burnt more books in Germany and also looted a great deal and its not like modern day Germany has American style freedom in terms of what books you can buy there, WW2 historical revisionism lands you in prison for years. I wonder when a balanced WW2 film will get made.
THE DESCENT is good yeah, and tbf i think people do actually do that cave climbing shit round these parts. the all-chick crew was fine (the film leaves it largely uncommented upon, it's hardly some feminist screed lol), unless you're a wimp who's scared of tough women i suppose. the sequel's the definition of redundant btw, i wouldn't bother.

THE SELFISH GIANT is a solid little working class coming of age movie in the KES tradition, complete with rag 'n bone men and the like. it's kinda schematic compared to, say, a mike leigh or dardennes movie, but not bad.

FALLEN ANGELS is one of the few wongs i haven't seen, but i get the impression he was consistently pretty great all the way up to ITMFL. love all that sensual longing/melancholia.

PARIS, TEXAS is amazing. wrote a little capsule about it here. would make a great double bill with STROSZEK i bet.

Man... I guess it's my city mentality that cant fathom cave climbing at all.

Do you have a recommendation for something similar to The Selfish Giant?

If you saw Chungking Express, it is very similar to Fallen Angels. I think the only difference was, really, that the characters are more cute than dark. I definitely preferred Fallen Angels.

Cool, I'll take a look at your review!