The Official Movie Thread

Ha! "Hipster horror" - to be honest, I can see that. But at least they're intelligent movies.

Have you seen Goodnight Mommy? Another recent horror film that I thought was pretty good.
i thought GOODNIGHT MOMMY was exquisitely made but pretty meaningless. i was much more impressed by the 'how' than the 'what' or the 'why', the more it reveals about its intentions the less interesting it becomes. still liked it a lot from an atmospheric standpoint though.

i expected to like IT FOLLOWS more than i did, but i think we already had that conversation. i like it subtextually and some of the compositions are unbelievably menacing, but... it's kind of all subtext, no text, for me. didn't really connect to it beyond a cerebral level, and i find it ultimately more interesting to chat about than actually experience. it does seem like something that could 'click' on subsequent viewings though.

still haven't seen THE WITCH but i'll post my thoughts when i do. A FIELD IN ENGLAND remains my favourite horror movie of this decade, although that's more like WITCHFINDER GENERAL having a bad acid trip than a conventional horror movie. i do think it's waaaay more rich thematically than most people give it credit for though.
I agree for the most part with what you say about It Follows and Goodnight Mommy, although I personally have found It Follows to be rewarding upon subsequent viewings; but that could be me making more out of it than it is.

I haven't seen A Field in England - I'll have to track that down. Coincidentally, Ben Wheatley also just directed an adaptation of High-Rise that I really want to see.
But i've seen Follows and The Witch critiqued/salmmed as "hipster horror."

Lol. I did like It Follows but I was underwhelmed by The VVitch.

Both films are art over horror. It Follows is saved by slasher nostalgia for me more than likely.

The VVitch falls flat for me for some reason. Probably because it's an uber cautionary Christian tall tale (which is what it's supposed to be, I know) set to really pretty scenery.

But I like schlock though so what do I know? I just sat and laughed at how ridiculous Zoombies was.
You're totally right about The Witch having a strong cautionary element, and that's not something the director is unaware of (as you said). He's admitted that he wanted to make a film that was basically lifted straight from 17thC-18thC Christian accounts of witchcraft, which of course are steeped in cautionary and moralistic vocabulary. I saw the movie with an 18thC literary scholar, and she said that it's incredibly accurate (i.e. very close to its source material).
Anyone else that's into the same kind of weirdo stuff I'm always yammering about in this thread that's looking for a cool film-based podcast should check out Daughters of Darkness. Its run through Diabolique Magazine, a pretty nifty rag in its own right (they cover their fair share of claptrap but the good outweighs the bad for the most part) and hosted by two rad chicks who know their stuff, have a great sense of humor and actually respect the material they're covering. Imagine that. The first three episodes traced the evolution of lesbian vampire cinema (!) and they're currently dissecting all of Andrzej Zulawski's filmography! Refreshing stuff.
nice. i'm always in need of more podcasts. btw, just to tie you into the above convo, i imagine you may like A FIELD IN ENGLAND ob max. i might've said that to you already but yea
ok fellas, I'm free and in a weird mood tongiht, rec me a Andrzej Żuławski flick or maybe something else. I might watch Possesion again and I kinda want to see Under the Skin again but what I really crave is a new strangeness; something that will change my day tomorrow
ok fellas, I'm free and in a weird mood tongiht, rec me a Andrzej Żuławski flick or maybe something else. I might watch Possesion again and I kinda want to see Under the Skin again but what I really crave is a new strangeness; something that will change my day tomorrow
If you like Possession then you should really take to Szamanka quite easily. Its almost a spiritual sequel in a way. Also Zulawski's first two films, The Third Part of the Night and The Devil. Some other titles that immediately come up if you really want your mind freaked:

Inland Empire (Lynch, 2006)
Gozu (Miike, 2003)
Eden and After (Robbe-Grillet, 1970)
Succubus (Franco, 1967)

nice. i'm always in need of more podcasts. btw, just to tie you into the above convo, i imagine you may like A FIELD IN ENGLAND ob max. i might've said that to you already but yea
Heh, I tried tying myself into the convo earlier just really couldn't think of anything to add. Wheatley is one of the good guy's though.
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The Third Part of The Night it is. Thx dude.

Btw I really really really tried to watch Inland Empire and "I couldn't even" heh, yea it was too much of a mind fuck
As a big Lynch fan, even I didn't really like INLAND EMPIRE. I feel that Lynch works best when he blurs the line between real and surreal (ERASERHEAD being an exception) and INLAND EMPIRE is too much in the surreal camp.
i disagree tbh, i think INLAND EMPIRE fits within those parameters. i connect to that movie pretty strongly and i tend to struggle with more abstract surreal stuff. it's only behind MULHOLLAND DRIVE and TWIN PEAKS for me.
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Maybe I need to give it another go since it has been several years since I last saw it, but it just didn't win me over like his other works
I just watched The Witch and don't really get the praise. Witch was a good spooky character, so was Patrice Oneal (Black Phillip) and the children acted well but ?? I've read some opinions about the deadly sins, but I feel like the story wanted us to question whether the witch was real, possessed in a child or paranoia because of poorly educated Christians and their fear of the wilderness in this time period.
It was a terrible film imo. I don't get all of this comic book stuff. It's made for international audiences who can't relate to the minutia of American culture but can appreciate mythical heroes saving the day.