The Official Movie Thread

man, i need to see that again, it's been at least ten years. i remember it as a really intense and fevered experience, killer cinematography too.

meanwhile i watched this today:
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no love for DUEL?

just noticed that george miller is gonna be the jury president for this year's cannes. mads mikkelsen and donald sutherland are also on the jury. surely they'll pick something cool for the palme? the new verhoeven perhaps...
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Anybody ever saw Filipino movie Metro Manila? Such a damn good movie! My friend who is from the Philippines actually mentioned it in passing basically saying its an accurate depiction of what it's like over there. I saw it was on Netflix and since insomnia caught me up until 4 am I put it on. Such a good film. It's basically about a poor struggling family from the slums trying to survive in Manila. I was under the impression that Manila is the city and therefore it was better but so much shady and terrible shit happened anyways. It's like jumping out a frying pan and jumping into a fire the things they had to do. The ending was brilliant too.
just noticed that george miller is gonna be the jury president for this year's cannes. mads mikkelsen and donald sutherland are also on the jury. surely they'll pick something cool for the palme? the new verhoeven perhaps...
Hey now there's an idea! And with Huppert in the lead who knows, she's certainly faired well at Cannes with other dark films. She was on the jury when Gainsbourg took best actress for Antichrist which made total sense seeing as she's drawn to heavy roles herself. Asia Argento was on that same jury too I believe. They've got a great track record with that award. Huppert, Gainsbourg and or course Adjani for Possession. Cannes can be funny though in terms of how films are received by the audiences vs. the jury. When Wild at Heart first showed it got a standing ovation but when it won the Palme d'Or the boo's were louder than the cheers in some sections of the theatre. Crash triggered a bunch of pussies who walked out during the film yet it was awarded a special jury prize, ect... Very curious to see how well Elle fairs.

If anyone does the streaming thing and is interested, the directors cut of Friedkin's Jade is on Amazon. 12 minutes longer then the butchered cut originally released in '95. A pity its still MIA on DVD though. Its a far better film than its given credit for.
should be an interesting cannes. as well as verhoeven i love the dardennes, jarmusch and some almodovar, farhadi, assayas, arnold, park chan-wook and guiraudie. and there are a couple of others that are still interesting even if i'm generally not big on them.
Finally got around to watching "Antichrist". It's been in my queue for years, but always put it off. Now having watched it, I thought it was pretty good. The dick smashing was whatever (the clit snipping was far worse). I thought the film, overall, was rather interesting. I found it curious that von Trier dedicated it to Tarkovsky. It's been a while since I last watched Stalker and Solaris, so I'm curious as to what the connection is there.

edit: after doing some followup reading, it seems von Trier got slammed with accusations of misogyny. It's interesting when you consider the theme of "the nature of women being evil" and the fact the cabin they go to is "EDEN" and the characters have no names, and the male is frequently taunted by the animals (unwilling to confront nature?). Still not sure what to think of that...still stewing on it
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von trier's been slammed for misogyny for years prior to that one, mainly because women go through all kinds of suffering in nearly all his movies (and obviously if you have suffering female characters you must hate women). have you seen any other von trier films?
Just "Dancer in the Dark"...I have "Melancholia" and both volumes of "Nymphomaniac" queued up to finish out the trilogy (quadrilogy?). I wasn't super impressed with Dancer, but I might not have been in the right frame of mind for it
I saw Green Room last night. It was pretty good but standard in some ways. I did think the skinhead/Nazi punk twist with like regular punks added another element (like I understand their tr00 jokes and stuff). But overall it was like a trapped in a room hack n slash thriller.
i think there's plenty of intelligent stuff going on in NYMPHOMANIAC but i didn't get much out of it. DOGVILLE is my favourite, but a lot of people i respect like BREAKING THE WAVES or THE KINGDOM the most, neither of which i've seen.

i was lukewarm on BLUE RUIN but i'm pretty excited about GREEN ROOM too.
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I like Antichrist the best. I haven't seen any other movie dive so deep into pure existential horror, I'd think someone who quotes Ligotti in his signature would like it a lot.
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Breaking the Waves is probably his best film but after seeing the directors cut of Nymphomaniac a few times now (all in 1 sitting too!) I have to say it's my favorite. Its the ultimate LVT film. Its exhausting, sad, hilarious, preposterous, and oddly profound in spots. Gainsbourg is incredible.
to everyone who likes ANTICHRIST, i recommend VINYAN which came out around the same time and struck me as similar. also DON'T LOOK NOW is an obvious precursor i guess.
Went to see The Huntsman with Charlize Theron and the dude from Thor, movie was pretty good. Don't think have seen the first one.