The Official Movie Thread

the fight scenes might annoy h/c MMA fans but the way it dramatises them is awesome, in a non-MMA specific kinda way. it may not be a great movie nor a great MMA movie, but it's a great sports movie.

(also it contains a cameo from kurt angle as fedor, basically)

MILLION DOLLAR BABY can fuck off. i don't like many boxing movies i've seen. i have a soft spot for the ROCKY series, but aside from that RAGING BULL and FAT CITY are about it. i've heard THE SET-UP and BODY & SOUL are good though, and i've always meant to watch GENTLEMAN JIM.
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I liked Devil's Rejects quite a bit when it first came out. Even went out and saw it in the theatre. At the time, it did seem rather novel aesthetically speaking with its grimy 70's feel as it was still some time before the phony "retro" or "throwback" type of horror became such a plague on the genre. And the use of "Freebird" at the end is just pitch perfect. It couldn't have been more impeccably timed. How I might feel about it these days, I'll have to get back to you on that. Its been some time since I've seen the film in full.

I had a much deserved day off yesterday and figured what better time to have a long overdue re-viewing of my favorite film of all time on my bitchin new TV. I'm of course referring to Lost Highway. I could write a YUGE essay on just why I consider it to be the apex of the art form and just how much its influence on my has grown over the years (the fact that it turns 20 next year is almost as mind-blowing as the film itself) but I'll refrain. Still one of the most rewarding, engaging and endlessly mystifying viewing experiences one can hope to have. I think it was Leonard Maltin who said he was jealous of anyone watching Psycho for the first time. Well, I'm jealous of anyone who goes into Lost Highway completely blind. Even if they end up hating the film and can't grasp what they're watching is something special. Bless you David Lynch, you beautifully brilliant madman.
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