The Official Movie Thread

It was a fun movie. It really was kind of light on the real horror... but if you're a fan of The Goonies or Stranger Things type kids adventures, I can't imagine not enjoying this one. Probably a 7.5/10 I guess. Too much wonky cgi for me to go higher than that.

It was definitely enjoyable, I'd watch it again, and I'm looking forward to part 2.

And about the kid constantly cussing and making mom jokes, it's apparently in the book, which they were supposedly going off as closely as they could. (Inb4 but but but muhhh prepubescent orgy scene)
Stranger Things type kids adventure

this is an appropriate assessment, where i think the creative team decided to go Stranger Things after the success of the show (and including one of the kids in the movie) rather than horror. I don't consider the show nor IT horror

And about the kid constantly cussing and making mom jokes, it's apparently in the book, which they were supposedly going off as closely as they could.

that'd be interesting, but I can't imagine kids in 1960 (og film time) talking that way. if so, I definitely think the way the kids act in the TV version is much better.
yeah, it was originally supposed to star jason robards and mick jagger lmao. herzog had a longstanding obsession with hollywood and has ended up making several hollywood movies. i'm glad that wasn't one of them although i would kinda like to see what he was going for.

you've saved the best til last IMO assuming you didn't see aguirre already <3 that one was also filmed in english but later dubbed in both german and english because they lost or damaged their only original recordings i believe (the fucking production stories behind aguirre are just out of this world in general). so you can watch an english dub of an english movie if you want (i've always watched it in german though, it suits the film better by all accounts and it's a v good dub which i don't find distracting, but mileage may vary).

The paid streaming service I've joined here has like 6 or 7 of his movies on it but Aguirre isn't one of them unfortunately. Also my favourite video store around the corner shut down last year which sucks because they had everything. Looks like I'll finally have to get a fucking VPN and start downloading again.

watch this:


Oh yes I'm very much looking forward to checking this out.
which other ones does it have out of interest, i could potentially tell you which to prioritise
I just looked again and it's there. Don't mind me, apparently I am blind

So full list I've got is

Heart of Glass
The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser
Bad Lieutenant (2009 adapted with Nick Cage.. hmmm)
i haven't seen HEART OF GLASS but can heartily recommend the others. the bad lieutenant remake is kind of amazing, i'm an unabashed cage fan tho
I watched most of Heart of Glass after Stroszek but didn't like it very much. Apparently all the actors were hypnotised during filming. Gives it a very strange feel, but I just found it boring after a while. Maybe I'll watch the end at some point.
"Ordinarily when a filmmaker goes trampling all over your senses with an eye toward maximizing disgust, it’s for the purpose of producing some cheap scares. In Mother, though, the aim is a macabre pastiche of people’s most cherished and deeply held beliefs. Deliberately grotesque and nauseating, and seemingly engineered to outrage Christians, especially Catholics, Mother represents a stain on the reputation of Paramount Pictures, which once produced Going My Way. It may be the most vile and contemptible motion picture ever released by one of the major Hollywood studios."

^I fucking lol'd at that :lol:
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These puritanical clowns fail to understand that a review like that is music to the ears of the exact kind of people they should be trying to make avoid the films, after all religious people already are avoiding them so the review could hardly be written for those who already agree, right?

It's like the blacklisted smut rock records that the PMRC made lists of, people just used these lists as shopping lists.
Watched a great, WTF movie over the weeked

Blazing Magnum ( aka Shadows in an Empty Room) 1976.

A Canadian cops sister is killed so he goes to Montreal and unleashes hell trying to find answers. Movie has a few twists and turns but once the action starts its balls to the wall ridiculous! Kung fu cross dressers, roughing up anyone that might have info, slime ball cast of characters, a blind chick as a witness to murder, a baby threatened at knife point, and one of the most insane car chases I've ever seen. Stuart Whitman is a serious badass. This is pretty much a poor man's Dirty Harry except trashier. If you like '70's sleaze and gritty police films ( especially the eurotrash kind), then worth checking out. 10/10


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it's so, so bad. i really can't imagine anyone finds anything remotely appealing about it. have you seen wind river? that was a great movie