The Official Movie Thread

I really like the way Jess Franco sets jazzy psychedelic (somewhat outdated sounding) scores to lush and violent scenes. If you simply replaced his scores with something tense and dramatic, his scenes would take on a very nasty form but instead he makes you feel creeped out and dirty as a penis is dismembered by a pretty topless woman set to the kind of music a 1960's dance club might use, because you're kinda turned on by the atypical combination of upbeat sensuality and sadism.

I really like the way Jess Franco sets jazzy psychedelic (somewhat outdated sounding) scores to lush and violent scenes. If you simply replaced his scores with something tense and dramatic, his scenes would take on a very nasty form but instead he makes you feel creeped out and dirty as a penis is dismembered by a pretty topless woman set to the kind of music a 1960's dance club might use, because you're kinda turned on by the atypical combination of upbeat sensuality and sadism.

He was a jazz musician which probably explains his approach to music in certain scenes. Some of his films were even constructed around music. Venus in Furs for example was specifically designed to be a "jazz film" as he described it, getting the viewer in the otherworldly headspace a trumpet player goes while they're soloing. Paula-Paula, one of his final, more experimental films was written after he got a CD of unreleased Friedrich Gulda music and based everything around that.
Interesting to learn he himself was a jazz musician. I just finished watching Eugenie about an hour ago and my mind is still buzzing from the experience, aside from all the film's qualities the soundtrack especially stood out to me, it was even foreboding in certain places which was odd after watching 5 almost completely upbeat films by him.
Interesting to learn he himself was a jazz musician. I just finished watching Eugenie about an hour ago and my mind is still buzzing from the experience, aside from all the film's qualities the soundtrack especially stood out to me, it was even foreboding in certain places which was odd after watching 5 almost completely upbeat films by him.
Bruno Nicolai's score for Eugenie is one of the best. That movie has one of my all time favorite Franco sequences, when Lee and his band of Sade devotes descend on the island and enter the room where the three main players are going at each other on the couch and the image keeps going in and out of focus, cutting back and forth between Lee, Taylor and Liljedahl then that mace comes down from the top of the frame... just brilliantly composed and edited. The music is the icing on the cake.
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And the cherry on top is Franco's brilliantly minimal use of a legendary actor like Christopher Lee. I love it when a director can pull that off, often it can feel like a cheap cameo but instead it was tense, commanding and terse.

Thoroughly enjoyed it, thanks again for the recommendation.
A batshit crazy metal musician here posted a near-2 hour rant video, so I took the 'highlights' and mixed them up with other movies I'd seen recently at the time. There should be a movie autism prize for anyone who can name all 7 I used without reading the YouTube description. :loco:

And the cherry on top is Franco's brilliantly minimal use of a legendary actor like Christopher Lee. I love it when a director can pull that off, often it can feel like a cheap cameo but instead it was tense, commanding and terse.

Thoroughly enjoyed it, thanks again for the recommendation.
And to think he was actually a last minute replacement for the role! I can't remember off the top of my head who was originally supposed to play Dolmance but whoever it was died not long before shooting so producer Harry Allan Towers called Lee in a rush. Curiously, Lee claimed to be unaware of the erotic content which I've always found to be somewhat dubious given that its a Sade adaptation. Hilariously, he didn't find out until a friend of his called him and said he just saw his name on the marquee of a porn theater. I think Lee was only on set for 2 days so Franco shot all the nudity after he'd left.

He is indeed such a commanding presence in that red smoking jacket, and with all those voiceovers of him reading Sade you'd swear the role was written with him in mind.
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Gone baby gone on Netflix. One of the best crime thrillers ive ever seen
So I just watched McCabe and Mrs. Miller (great movie) and it's very amusing to me that the lanky kid would grow up to become Wild Bill HIckok:



I guess there's hope for everyone.