The Official Movie Thread

I'd also say that, if anything, modernist and postmodernist art is the least sermon-y art.

Overturning of classic ideals as the ideal. Be shitty people today for tomorrow we die. It's just a sermony as the Sermon on the Mount, just in a different direction. I don't need to read novels about people being shitty, I hear about it in sessions and have the task of helping people affected pick up the pieces.
I would argue that all films are already political to some degree (what Fred Jameson calls the political unconscious of all aesthetic works), but obviously some films acknowledge this more than others.

Nothing wrong with politics in cinema, just do it well and not in a ham-fisted Tumblrite way that annoys anybody who isn't a member of the faith.

It's a personal position that I don't mind excessive feminism in contemporary films. I just find it disheartening that so many people get turned off by it. But whatever, it is what it is.

I think it's great that so many people are calling it out for what it is. Restores a little of my faith in humanity tbh.
I, for one, love seeing slight little waifs beat up 250lb muscle bound males, bristling with weapons and armor. Shows me what my little girl can do if she just chooses to live in a fantasy world. Name it and claim it!
I still want to see the new Star Wars after reading all of that.

I honestly couldnt care less about what political trend a movie is pushing, as long as the movie does it tastefully. Like all this emphasis on "feminist" and "masculinity" is just stupid. Enjoy the movie, immerse yourself in a different world, and stop taking things too seriously. Movies are oftentimes a response to political climates, but I'm not going to hate something because its "feminist" or "masculine." That just seems odd to me.

I wasted so much time reading, I still don't know what movie to watch now. Heh. I suppose google.
I haven't even seen it yet you dumb non-thinking fat cunt.

Also, if the opinions of other people stops you from liking something, you're a piece of shit and deserve to have everything you like ruined.

I still want to see the new Star Wars after reading all of that.


I honestly couldnt care less about what political trend a movie is pushing, as long as the movie does it tastefully. Like all this emphasis on "feminist" and "masculinity" is just stupid. Enjoy the movie, immerse yourself in a different world, and stop taking things too seriously.

Eh, I doubt you would be recommending this method for consuming entertainment if it involved a political ideology or something else that you disliked. I don't really know how to switch my mind off and stop taking things seriously while at the same time immersing myself in a different world. Immersion requires I notice anything and everything I can in the plot, subplot and overarching canon of the world.

Movies are oftentimes a response to political climates, but I'm not going to hate something because its "feminist" or "masculine." That just seems odd to me.

Not necessarily true, movies are more often a product of the insular culture of the film industry at the time. It doesn't always represent the people's views.
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Name calling and politics aside, I really think Game of Thrones has spoiled me (and probably lot of others too) on the depth of story and character development fronts. It, and other HBO, Netflix, Amazon etc. type series have a huge leg up in their more extended format. It makes many movies seem shallow and ill prepared in comparison. While I've got no proof for it I'd wager the recent growth of this 'series' market segment has drawn away a lot of the writing talent from movies to the point that they are leaning much harder towards 'just cheap fun' rather than a more engaging experience we might have been used to in the past. There's still gems, of course so I don't want to write off an entire form of media but as a whole the movie industry is in decline.
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It's fucking Star Wars. It doesn't need to have "depth." The originals didn't. Not everything (especially not Star Wars) needs to be a philosophical wankfest about the true meaning of life.

The originals had more than the latest two at least and had no dropped plotlines. The prequels, while an absolute dialog/casting disaster actually had a pretty great story with a decent amount of depth to it.
I still don't know when I'm going to see the new SW. It's possible that it will happen after new year, actually, as I'm leaving the city for the holidays. I'm kinda sad about this, because I know I will enjoy it no matter what.
The originals had more than the latest two at least and had no dropped plotlines. The prequels, while an absolute dialog/casting disaster actually had a pretty great story with a decent amount of depth to it.

I often find myself wondering whether this is true. Comparing the original three to The Force Awakens, I can't say the latter was lacking anything plot-wise. I haven't seen The Last Jedi yet, so I can't say for that one.

Honestly, I feel that more "depth" is often attributed to the original three films than is actually there, because they're viewed by many today through a nostalgic lens; and nostalgia always saturates even the most facile of cultural artifacts.

I'm not saying that Star Wars is facile, but I'm not sure any of the films--even the original three--were exemplars of intricate filmmaking/plotting. I think they're just solid adventure fantasies that made an impression on all of us when we were young.