The Official Movie Thread

did we lapse on Rey being force and jedi master at day0?

I agree that part is poorly explained, but the filmmakers have a lot more wiggle room when it comes to the force, because there are no established rules. I would assume it got awakened when Kylo Ren entered her mind. And it’s easy enough to chalk it up to “the force willed it to balance Kylo’s dark with Rey’s light.” So, do I wish they did better with explaining this or developing her powers more gradually? Yes. Does it ruin the movie for me? No. Is it worse than watching Ewoks save the galaxy? Hell no!
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bleh. I'm really only curious to see Last Jedi to see how the hell the franchise makes more films after her being the strongest character in the first installment.

but I think you're downplaying how irrelevant that character choice makes continuing films.
bleh. I'm really only curious to see Last Jedi to see how the hell the franchise makes more films after her being the strongest character in the first installment.

but I think you're downplaying how irrelevant that character choice makes continuing films.

Not really. I don’t think it’s a spoiler to tell you she gets trained in this movie. Anything she “shouldn’t” have known from the first movie she could have justifiably known by the second one.

This movie also gives an explanation for why one thing happened with Rey that bothered people in the first film, which I personally found satisfactory.
Goin to watch this

My present rankings (definitely subject to change) would be:

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. The Last Jedi
4. The Force Awakens
5. Rogue One
6. Return of the Jedi
7. Revenge of the Sith
8. Attack of the Clones
9. Phantom Menace

  1. Empire Strikes Back
  2. A New Hope
  3. Rogue One
  4. Return of the Jedi
  5. The Force Awakens
  6. Revenge of the Sith
  7. Attack of the Clones
  8. The Last Jedi
  9. Phantom Menace
The director of the original said everyone involved in the movie should go to hell and die for what they did, lol. 5 stars.
A lot of that was playing to the crowd, hilarious as it was. Ferrara and Herzog are actually friends and Ferrara even used some clips from Burden of Dreams in Dangerous Game. Nic Cage is even supposed to be in one of his next projects if he can ever get the funding. That being said, at a midnight screening of Ms. 45 some years back he showed up unannounced and took to the stage threating to kick Cage's ass so... :lol:

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So? Have you seen THX 1138? The man in his early days clearly had something to say about society, the future and politics.
I watched that one about a year ago. First half is good, unique as fuck. Seemed as if it didn't really know where to go after that. I like to think that the next thing the protagonist did at the end was to relish in having a wank with nobody watching.
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I agree with @crimsonfloyd as much as I wasn't really sold on Rey or even Fin (my favourite new character in The Force Awakens was probably Poe) nothing can compare to the pure shitness that is a stone-aged teddy bear tribe beating a neo-fascistic military powerhouse like The Empire.

I watched that one about a year ago. First half is good, unique as fuck. Seemed as if it didn't really know where to go after that. I like to think that the next thing the protagonist did at the end was to relish in having a wank with nobody watching.

My only beef was that my copy is the director's cut and since it's George "I'm a fucking douchebag" Lucas it included a bunch of shitty unnecessary CGI elements inserted into the film after the fact and my copy didn't have an option to watch it without them.

Personally I think the second half of the film is just as strong and I really liked the ending.
While I think this is a little strong, I could at least see why you would say this with regard to ANH and ESB, but RotJ is a highly flawed film that actually goes a long way in harming what had been built up in the previous films. While the stuff between Luke and Vader is phenomenal (some of the best stuff in the entire saga), it seems like that is where Lucas’s heart was and most everything else is just “how do we get rid of all this Empire crap as quickly as possible?” Everything else after Jabba’s palace and Dagobah is pure laziness on Lucas’s part. Ewoks defeat the Empire? Stupid as fuck. The Super Star Destroyer blowing up because of one A Wing? That’s essentially a ship the size of a car crashing to an 8 mile long ship and the later losing all functionality. The Death Star NOT blowing up when the Super Star Destroyer crashes into it (or at least the people on the ship noticing)?
It was more a combination of the Ewoks, the remaining rebels and Chewbacca managing to hijack an AT-ST in order to gain an advantage. To me, they seemed like more of a distraction in order for the rebel strike force to turn the tide of the battle. I could have done without them but still.

As for the Executor getting destroyed, it was more a combination of the Executor's bridge deflector shields being damaged which resulted in the bridge getting destroyed by the A-Wing getting flown through it. The fact that Admiral Ackbar ordered the fleet to concentrate all firepower on it before it could do more damage to the fleet didn't help matters either.

In The Last Jedi, the military stuff was done way better. Johnson put way more thought and attention to detail into it than Lucas did to RotJ and developed a plausible conflict with realistic consequences. When the little guys achieved something, it came with a beleivable cost. Doing that made the stakes much more tangible.
Watch it again and actually pay attention.
It was more a combination of the Ewoks, the remaining rebels and Chewbacca managing to hijack an AT-ST in order to gain an advantage. To me, they seemed like more of a distraction in order for the rebel strike force to turn the tide of the battle. I could have done without them but still.

"Watch again and actually pay attention." The Rebels are literally surrounded by storm troopers with they're fucking hands up and are saved by the Ewoks. The whole plan fails without the Ewoks, which is straight up shit writing.

As for the Executor getting destroyed, it was more a combination of the Executor's bridge deflector shields being damaged which resulted in the bridge getting destroyed by the A-Wing getting flown through it. The fact that Admiral Ackbar ordered the fleet to concentrate all firepower on it before it could do more damage to the fleet didn't help matters either.

Yes, I get why it happened. I'm saying why it happened was totally unconvincing. First of all, the deflector shield blows up after a few shots from a couple A wings. Second of all, that a ship that size just immediately sinks after one small ship crashes into it is beyond stupid. You're telling me an 8 mile long ship doesn't have a backup command station for if the bridge gets damaged? This could have been executed with craft, but Lucas just pumped through all this crap. The only reason to deny it is nostalgia.

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wow, I can't imagine anyone actually enjoyed The Last Jedi. It at least made me partially happy that only a few dopes decided to clap as it concluded. An actual line at the final moments of the film..."I'm really sorry" -- "I'M SURE YOU AREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

really surprised that people can enjoy films that depict visually what's going on AND bluntly spell it out for you. *Character moves left* "OH LOOK, HE MOVED LEFT!" -- 2.5 hrs of this! :lol:

And for the feminism..I'd say it's obviously noticeable for anyone who analyzes film but not overbearing or anything. Same as the diverse casting, it's obviously intended but...whatever. Just not a good flick.

Finn and Rose were another great pairing. These are two really great and unique characters.

man I just don't get this at all. Rose: I was born poor and hate capitalism. Great and unique? Why the hell is she watching the escape pods as a mechanic? :lol: whatever

The space battles were dope and the flying of the cruiser through the dreadnaught was a show-stopper.

jesus christ how did anyone like this? "Man their big ship is right there, the only way to prolong this film and our lives is to go a little bit further away and then to that planet right there. Surely no one will notice us going there nor will they be able to reach us!"

The casino scene. While I like the idea of showing that capitalists are profiting off both sides of the war, the casino was so transparently based off a Las Vagas

how can you hate this sequence but like Rose? they go hand and hand, weirdo

What the fuck happened with Leia in space? I guess we can chalk it up to "the Force" saved her, but it felt extraordinarily out of place.

how this doesn't ruin the franchise for anyone blows my mind. might have be the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen in the 8 movies (havent seen Rogue)

you mean by becoming Han Solo's comedic archetype? Christ, why did the writers attempt to add so many bad one liners and goofs?

He killed Snoke and became Supreme Leader by outsmarting someone who was literally reading his mind. How is that not impressive?

Apparently he wasn't reading his mind...or else he would have known Kylo was turning the lightsaber towards him

Poe- Again, his arc went over your head. He starts out hot headed, wanting to blow everything up. That leads to two bad impulsive decisions (blowing up the dreadnaught and the coup). However, he learns from Leia and Holdo and at the end of the movie, makes a more nuanced assessment of the situation with Luke and realizes the Resistance needs to escape. Leia yields the lead to him as he is now showing the needed wisdom to lead. He's now ready to lead the Resistance.

I'm glad a seasoned military veteran could realize when he was going to die and the only option was to escape. But then again, he isn't an idiot or anything like that!

In The Last Jedi, the military stuff was done way better.

dude..come on. the bombers in the beginning, they just float there and take shots? fuck are they using bombs for when lasers are invented and weaponized anyways.

then Poe taking on the entire defense system by himself and the fact that those giant destroyers have like 6 fighters each. Christ our Aircraft Carriers have more planes on them!

then the entire post-Leia scene is just outright insane but already addressed. And then the trench warfare, TRENCH WARFARE !!!!!!, against lasers and giant walkers etc.

And the fact that no one knows how sieges work either. the fuck would you even bother going to war when your enemy is trapped in a mountain on a frozen planet, with limited resources and weaponry.
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Fortunately I wasn't exposed to the SW universe as a kid, and couldn't get into it as a young adult. I'm now immune to the hype and subsequent disappointment (or zombielike adulation).
I recently rewatched the original trilogy and I still love them, of course there were problems and a few times I cringed over things, but especially A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back more than anything else just feel really ahead of their time.

I'm still surprised by how much people rant and rave about The Force Awakens. That shit wore off on me by the time I watched it after my initial cinema viewing.
how did yall feel about LOOPER out of interest? it didn't quite work for me narratively but was a pretty fascinating and awesome looking spin on THE TERMINATOR i thought. its best scene has always stayed with me:
paul dano's harrowing death
man I just don't get this at all. Rose: I was born poor and hate capitalism. Great and unique? Why the hell is she watching the escape pods as a mechanic? :lol: whatever
I rarely see this sort of quirky and awkward girl in anything other than comedies. I do think she lacks much development as I think about it more. As for the watching the escape pods. I assume she was down there working on something when she saw the first person trying to escape. But if you're gonna nitpick that, then there's no way you're gonna enjoy any movie.

jesus christ how did anyone like this? "Man their big ship is right there, the only way to prolong this film and our lives is to go a little bit further away and then to that planet right there. Surely no one will notice us going there nor will they be able to reach us!"

It wasn't a great plan. But it also failed. Which is something else I like about this movie. Almost every plan doesn't work. Star Wars and action and fantasy movies in general, are loaded with implausible plans that work out. In this movie they didn't.

how can you hate this sequence but like Rose? they go hand and hand, weirdo

I like the idea of Canto Bight, but cannot stand the execution. So the whole story behind it works for me, but the lazy riffing on Las Vegas does nothing for me.

how this doesn't ruin the franchise for anyone blows my mind. might have be the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen in the 8 movies (havent seen Rogue)

Eh, it can be rationalized within the logic of the universe, so it's not crippling to the saga by any stretch. But no, it did not look good at all.

you mean by becoming Han Solo's comedic archetype? Christ, why did the writers attempt to add so many bad one liners and goofs?

Not sure what you're getting at here.

Apparently he wasn't reading his mind...or else he would have known Kylo was turning the lightsaber towards him

He was reading his mind and misinterpreting what he was reading. "You will ignite your lightsaber and destroy your true enemy!" Which is exactly what Kylo Ren does.

dude..come on. the bombers in the beginning, they just float there and take shots? fuck are they using bombs for when lasers are invented and weaponized anyways.

It was a bad and impulsive plan by Poe, which is why he got demoted for it.

then Poe taking on the entire defense system by himself and the fact that those giant destroyers have like 6 fighters each. Christ our Aircraft Carriers have more planes on them!

then the entire post-Leia scene is just outright insane but already addressed. And then the trench warfare, TRENCH WARFARE !!!!!!, against lasers and giant walkers etc.

They were pretty much on the ropes and absolutely desperate by that point.

And the fact that no one knows how sieges work either. the fuck would you even bother going to war when your enemy is trapped in a mountain on a frozen planet, with limited resources and weaponry.
What frozen planet are you talking about?

But if you're gonna nitpick that, then there's no way you're gonna enjoy any movie.

didn't do anything for me, I just think it demonstrates the lack of creativity this new saga puts forth

Almost every plan doesn't work. Star Wars and action and fantasy movies in general, are loaded with implausible plans that work out.

I think I find it more unplausible that this many people, make these terrible decisions and plans. But I disagree anyways, the film isn't about failure. Everything works out in the end. Luke comes back, hope is given to the outer edges of the galaxy. Rey is super powerful. Snoke is dead. Leia still lives. Poe is somehow going to be promoted after being an idiot for most of the film.

but the lazy riffing on Las Vegas does nothing for me.

eh i saw it more as a west vs. non-west thing, but the duality of right and wrong seems like a big deal in relation to the franchise. Has there been a major plot point/character that talks about light/darkness isn't one sided? And Del Toro's character reminded me so much of his guy in Usual Suspects I couldn't contain my giggles.

Eh, it can be rationalized within the logic of the universe

Man if you can rationalize that, then what can't?

Not sure what you're getting at here.

Since when was Luke a comedic character? He became Han Solo in that regard, for this film

He was reading his mind and misinterpreting what he was reading.

I don't think it's possible to misinterpret Kylo's action of spinning the saber but it's insane anyways. He outsmarted Snoke but can't out-force or out-saber Rey? bleh.

What frozen planet are you talking about?

**salt, oops