The Official Movie Thread

Yeah, I can understand and write academic papers worthy of publication on the likes of Shakespeare, Milton, and Spenser yet I cannot possibly understand the philosophical depth of Star Wars.

You can't even tell whether a song is about space or not. No offense but you're a fucking dense motherfucker and so I don't think I'd ever want to view films by your standard, I think things can and should have some depth to it and I believe Star Wars does. It's not Shakespeare and nobody is suggesting it is, but it's also not a television advert, it can have some meaning or at the very least something beneath the surface to entertain people who aren't drunken karaoke retards who think Kid Rock should be POTUS.
You can't even tell whether a song is about space or not. No offense but you're a fucking dense motherfucker and so I don't think I'd ever want to view films by your standard, I think things can and should have some depth to it and I believe Star Wars does. It's not Shakespeare and nobody is suggesting it is, but it's also not a television advert, it can have some meaning or at the very least something beneath the surface to entertain people who aren't drunken karaoke retards who think Kid Rock should be POTUS.
Too harsh?

I just get annoyed at these types of dipshits who always say anybody who thinks about anything is taking things too seriously. To say Star Wars had no depth is to completely ignore the whole anti-fascist allegory that makes up the subplot of the entire franchise, as well as things like Luke's confrontation with Vader, his father, as a metaphor for the duality of evil and good in man and the potentiality especially for evil in good men.

You could even look at the entire thing through a Jungian lens, Luke literally rescues his father from the underworld and in doing so redeems him and he joins Yoda and Obi in the light side of the force as a force ghost, thus rescuing himself from following a fate similar to Vader's. It's all there for anybody who wants to look, so anybody who dismisses Star Wars as mindless meaningless entertainment is only revealing just how shallow-minded and fucking stupid they are.
It's still fucking Star Wars. Of course you can look into it and find philosophical things in it. People write dissertations on fucking 4chan and Harry Potter, but that doesn't mean that they should.

It's Lucas, not Kurosawa...

And you should realize by now I'm not the type of person that you are talking about. I've spent the majority of my adult life and career (so far) analyzing literature, movies, and music for things that may or may not be there. I full understand the desire to praise the original star wars trilogy like they are the best thing since sliced bread (do I even need to remind you of my fucking username?), but it's ultimately pulp-culture stuff. That doesn't diminish it at all. In fact, it almost elevates it. It frees itself of Oscar-jerkoffs cumming themselves over something for being "high art" when its nothing more than a psychedelic western set in outer space.

The Last Jedi is, obviously, not as good as the original trilogy and anyone that really thinks that is an idiot, but is it such a fucking shame to like the new movies? Christ, just enjoy something. Not everything needs to be a debate.
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Watched this the other week:


Nick Cage at his maniacal bad-haired corrupt drug-fiend cop best. Another Werner Herzog gem. Apparently he never intended it to be a remake of the original in any way and never wanted it to be called Bad Lieutenant. The director of the original said everyone involved in the movie should go to hell and die for what they did, lol. 5 stars.

It's still fucking Star Wars.

What the fuck does that even mean?

It's Lucas, not Kurosawa...

So? Have you seen THX 1138? The man in his early days clearly had something to say about society, the future and politics.

People write dissertations on fucking 4chan and Harry Potter

Harry Potter also has a lot to say about society and has some depth to it, stop painting the whole world with your ridiculously blank-minded dense and frivolous brush.
Right, because it doesn't need to be taken seriously...

All I'm saying is that Star Wars isn't the type of movie that should be taken too seriously. Nobody in their right mind would take 50 Shades seriously.

Empire > Hope > Return > Last > Force = Rogue
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Saw The Last Jedi last Saturday with a friend of mine. I really did not like it. First of all, I found the revelation in regards to what happened between Luke and Ben unimpressive. I don't really mind Luke becoming like this, it's just that it felt contrived, ultimately damaging the thematic progression of the original six-film saga, especially since that whole part of the film just feels underdeveloped. Frankly, I could have done without the entire Canto Bight subplot in favor of exploring the interactions between Snoke, Luke and Ben that ultimately lead to the destruction of Luke's academy. Subversion's OK but when it's not backed up with any substance, it's just kind of mediocre in the end and doesn't do Luke or Ben that much good. The whole decision comes off as pretentious given how little attention was given towards it in actuality. This is made even worse by Snoke dying.

Finn ends up a wasted opportunity again, as ever. Rey is still a really dull character, getting to the point of downright annoying. She lectures Luke on not giving Ben a chance when he was younger and innocent of any wrongdoing but when she witnesses him take up the mantle of Supreme Leader for himself, effectively entrenching himself in the Dark Side for good, she lets him live when she woke up before him on the Supremacy. What a joke. This whole arc is made somewhat pointless by the fact that of any of the middle films in all three trilogies, this one is easily the least interesting when it comes to tackling morality as the character seem pretty firmly divided into their respective roles of good guy and bad guy with not much overlap in between.

There's a bunch of other lesser complaints I have like the sense of scale being just as unimpressive as ever, the pacing being all over the place, the editing being questionable as hell, the MG-100 StarFortress bombers in the opening battle being some of the most nonsensically designed ships in the entirety of the franchise, Poe Dameron's ace pilot reputation getting taken to levels of moronic extremity, etc.

I can commend Johnson for taking risks but this film had a lot of narrative problems and thematic inconsistencies while also just not being all that tightly composed. It sucks that this trilogy hasn't found its footing after The Force Awakens setting a rickety foundation but there you have it. Disappointing, to say the least.
I'm resigned to the fact that I'm gonna have the whole damn movie spoiled for me before I have the chance to see it in 6 months or whenever the fuck it's out on bluray. Which is a shame because I actually really liked TFA.
The Last Jedi is, obviously, not as good as the original trilogy and anyone that really thinks that is an idiot...

While I think this is a little strong, I could at least see why you would say this with regard to ANH and ESB, but RotJ is a highly flawed film that actually goes a long way in harming what had been built up in the previous films. While the stuff between Luke and Vader is phenomenal (some of the best stuff in the entire saga), it seems like that is where Lucas’s heart was and most everything else is just “how do we get rid of all this Empire crap as quickly as possible?” Everything else after Jabba’s palace and Dagobah is pure laziness on Lucas’s part. Ewoks defeat the Empire? Stupid as fuck. The Super Star Destroyer blowing up because of one A Wing? That’s essentially a ship the size of a car crashing to an 8 mile long ship and the later losing all functionality. The Death Star NOT blowing up when the Super Star Destroyer crashes into it (or at least the people on the ship noticing)?

Now I’ll grant Star Killer Base was pretty fucking stupid, from its existence to its destruction (although it looked cool) so I guess that’s somewhat of a wash, but nothing in TFA approached the stupidity of teddy bears with sticks whooping an advanced military into oblivion.

In The Last Jedi, the military stuff was done way better. Johnson put way more thought and attention to detail into it than Lucas did to RotJ and developed a plausible conflict with realistic consequences. When the little guys achieved something, it came with a beleivable cost. Doing that made the stakes much more tangible.

My present rankings (definitely subject to change) would be:

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. The Last Jedi
4. The Force Awakens
5. Rogue One
6. Return of the Jedi
7. Revenge of the Sith
8. Attack of the Clones
9. Phantom Menace
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