The Official Movie Thread

I have and I quite liked it too. I see what you mean.

After I finished The Raid I almost just put it on again lmao it was so fucking good!
I wasn't expecting the sheer unrelenting violence either, totally shocked that it isn't rated R18.

Edit: Just got done watching Walter Hill's The Long Riders (1980 western) after being told it was basically terrible shite and I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. Walter Hill rules.
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Just finished watching The One. Half decent Matrix-effect film with Jet Li, the worst part is the shitty cringe-tier nu-metal soundtrack though. Basically it's The Matrix meets Time Cop in all the best and worst ways possible.

About to put on Fist of Legend. At this point, Fist of Legend is still the best Jet Li film I've seen, also potentially unpopular opinion: Fist of Legend > Fist of Fury.
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I was so impressed by this film. This is potentially Luc Besson's best film, head to head with Nikita.
Besson's vision and world is so utterly complete which tends to be rare with post-apocalyptic films, you always get the feeling that just beyond the camera is a normal world of normal people standing around treating the film set like the spectacle it is. This one has a truly isolated feeling to it and the fact that only two words of dialogue are spoken throughout the whole film, combined with a strong atmospheric OST, takes it into a whole other level.


Yet at the same time it feels very 70's John Carpenter-esque to me.
It isn't too dry, it has a certain swagger and style to it that reminds me of Assault on Precinct 13 somehow.



Jean Reno as "The Brute" was somehow both horrifying and funny. Seeing him in such a violent, evil role was awesome. This film went straight into my top 100 films.
Finished Enemy the other day, pretty good flick with the surprise ending. Gotta re-watch and check up on that symbolism before i trust the internets
one of those movies they should have left as a one and done. Guess Hollywood refuses to let that happen to anything mildly popular.
is anyone other than me actually happy about "the death of the original screenplay"??

Awesome group discussion on horror cinema with John Landis, John Carpenter and David Cronenberg.
I'm always excited to get a peek into Cronenberg's mind in particular.
Relaxing day off going through my cinema playlist on Youtube, starting with this one:

Also slowly trawling through this thread's backpages for recommendations and such. I'm about to buy The Man Who Shot Liberty Vance and Blackhat, what have people been watching lately that really stood out to them?

just saw The Blair Witch Project for the first time, wanted to share my thoughts:

I totally get the controversy over it, given how obnoxiously unpolished it is. Still, I have a lot of respect for the "found footage" concept it supposedly introduced to the world.
Plus enough time had passed since Cannibal Holocaust, really the first film to use the "found footage" concept as well as sell the film as authentic, even going so far as having the actors sign contracts agreeing to stay out of pubic for an entire year to really work the gimmick.

I was watching Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer the other day and while the scene is very brief, I think it has the most horrifying and inherently creepy use of pseudo-found footage (or more specifically the viewer seeing footage of a crime being played on a TV in the film itself) that I have ever seen. If they had made the majority of the film an exercise in viewing footage of the characters committing crimes it could have potentially been the most disgusting film ever made.
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Obliv recommended Flesh and Bone to me which I've since purchased and still need to watch. I'm waiting for that neo-noir mood to come upon me before I crack it open though.

Milla was either high as a kite or is simply the most likeable and happy actor in the business (or both).


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what have people been watching lately that really stood out to them?
Happiness (1998) - recently asked for cynical movie recommendations on FB and this was the highlight
American Splendor
Demolition Man
The Hudsucker Proxy - been years since I'd seen this, liked it more than my younger self