The Official Movie Thread





oh and i love how they made him(Bisons most loyal goon) into some kind of good guy in the movie smh
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God the movie is a mess, looking at pictures of Blanka now and it's as bad as the old Incredible Hulk series lmao. I need to buy this movie and watch it again.
edit: best part of the movie...


Fallout [1.14][edit]

Caitlin: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta - all your brain waves are perfectly in sync. The chances of that happening are next to impossible.
Barry: Impossible is just another Tuesday for us, remember?

this quote from the 14th episode of The Flash is clearly a reference to "M Bison remembering Tuesday" in addition to being a pretty-obvious breaking-the-fourth-wall reference to the fact that the show was broadcasted on Tuesdays
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Going by the trailers I saw it's almost like he basically made Chappelle's Black White Supremacist bit into a movie or something. I think the last Spike Lee Joint™ I enjoyed was He Got Game.
I watched some dumbass marathon of shark movies on SyFy this weekend. They're mostly awful and I dont really like Sharknado but the
X-Headed Shark Attack films had me rolling. By the latest (6-Headed) the shark had so many fucking heads it was using 4 of them to walk on land like a weird looking great white crab. Awful cgi like you'd expect but it was so ridiculous it was actually extremely entertaining. The whole idea of a hydra shark is a fun one too.