The Official Movie Thread

Just sharing some trailers of new/upcoming films that look interesting:

Pretty epic seeing Mothra and King Ghidorah I won't lie.

Terry Gilliam has been trying to get this film made since 198fucking9.


"I wanna teach those french fags how expensive it is to move into a neighborhood where we don't eat snails" :lol:

Definitely one of his most underrated films.

Weird ass coincidence, I was just watching the movie Monster (the one about Aileen Wuornos) and in the 'making of' feature the director is being interviewed and the wall behind her has a gigantic poster of The Hitman. :lol:

I'm keen to explore more, recs?

Honestly they're all good, except Kinetta his first which I haven't seen and The Favourite his newest out this year which I haven't seen either so I don't know, but IMO the next one to check out should be The Killing of a Sacred Deer. That one was amazing.
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Any of the ones with an animal in the title.

this. ALPS is for the completists, DOGTOOTH and KILLING OF A SACRED DEER are both awesome. the latter is most similar to THE LOBSTER, DOGTOOTH is a bit more of a haneke rip off style-wise but super crazy and original.

he has a new one coming out in november, an 18th century period piece starring emma stone and rachel weisz lol. no idea what the fuck that will entail.
news came out in the last few days that apparently the NYPD paid spike lee over 200k to help them improve relations with minority communities or something lol

that movie's been getting rave reviews though

it makes sense if you watch it. there's a "we got the one racist white cop in the department" scene and they're all celebrating like they solved racism :lol:

Going by the trailers I saw it's almost like he basically made Chappelle's Black White Supremacist bit into a movie or something. I think the last Spike Lee Joint™ I enjoyed was He Got Game.

yeah it's way different but man what a stupid film with no thesis or point. spike lee wanted to say n''igger 482137128712 times in one film i guess
Well, it might be a little ridiculous to accuse Brian Henson of ripping of Jackson's Meet the Feebles when Meet the Feebles is a literal subversion of his parents' franchise The Muppets.
Indeed but how would you know unless you've seen the film. Have you? Is it more similar to Meet the Feebles than it is The Muppets?

Actually, from what I read about the plot, it looks like he basically took the plot of Who Framed Roger Rabbit? and made it a story for an adult version of The Muppets.
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Watched The Frame the other day, written and directed by Jamin Winans (same guy who wrote and directed Ink). I was very intrigued by the premise, and the imagery was also captivating.

But I kind of fell out of the love with the narrative, which was marketed as science fiction... but I very quickly realized this was not the case. I'm not sure what to call it. It abandons any pretense of sci-fi and gravitates pretty heavily toward arthouse, but without any redeeming aesthetic interventions. It basically just takes an aesthetic conceit (way too) literally.

Not sure if anyone else has seen this. Pretty disappointing, overall.
Indeed but how would you know unless you've seen the film. Have you? Is it more similar to Meet the Feebles than it is The Muppets?

Actually, from what I read about the plot, it looks like he basically took the plot of Who Framed Roger Rabbit? and made it a story for an adult version of The Muppets.

Either way it doesn't sound original at all. Plus Melissa McCarthy in a film is a dealbreaker for me.