The Official Movie Thread


I can't believe this slipped under my radar for so long. Great movie, way ahead of its time, and really taps into that cold war paranoia vibe. Kind of like The Manchurian Candidate, except with zombies.
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Let me know what you think. I actively disliked it, but I can see how it would appeal to many folks around here.

Yeah strange movie. I wouldn't say i disliked it, but not sure i really liked it either. It was just ok. Gonna have to watch it again because i feel like i missed some stuff. What i got out of it was it's just a basic revenge story dressed up to be something more. Picked up some steam in the second half, but still fell a little flat imo. Anybody interested should check it out though, like you said i could definitely see it appealing to a lot of people. I read a few reviews and they're mostly positive. Very polarizing film, people either love it or hate it.
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Yeah strange movie. I wouldn't say i disliked it, but not sure i really liked it either. It was just ok. Gonna have to watch it again because i feel like i missed some stuff. What i got out of it was it's just a basic revenge story dressed up to be something more. Picked up some steam in the second half, but still fell a little flat imo. Anybody interested should check it out though, like you said i could definitely see it appealing to a lot of people. I read a few reviews and they're mostly positive. Very polarizing film, people either love it or hate it.

It's definitely designed to be a style-over-substance film rather than plot-based, but I'm not sure the style is that interesting. Drenching everything in red hues and a heavy metal vibe is kind of like an extreme take on Daria Argento, but without Argento's panache or eye for staging.
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pretty good one. SNOWTOWN (aka THE SNOWTOWN MURDERS) is kind of similar if you haven't seen that.

Gracias amigo, will look into it

... i've had my eye on that one for a while now.

re: Animal Kingdom

Never seen or even heard of Animal Kingdom I don't think, but if it's similar to Snowtown I'll have to give it a gander.

Not sayin i know you guys........but if i know you guys you should check it out. Some dysfunctional family gangster shit.