The Official Movie Thread

Time will tell how much substance is in the plot for 3, but it does already sound better than 2.

Although I think the car scene at the start went too far it was still a good scene and that scene at the airport (or was it a train station) where everyone became an assassin was probably as good as any of the scenes on 1. But following 1 was always going to be difficult.
The car shit was definitely over the top, but entertaining I felt. I don't particularly care about substance when it comes to John Wick myself, I just think they shouldn't allow themselves to go up their own ass and forget the spirit of the first film.
I still want a bit of a story out of any character, but it doesn't have to be War and Peace.
A Highlander reboot will be hard for me to watch. I'm not a huge fans of reboots and Highland was such a classic.


Same tbh, I still haven't seen the Total Recall or RoboCop reboots. Though the Judge Dredd reboot was cool.

I probably wont even bother with Total Recall or Robocop, as much as I liked the originals they aren't movies I'd go back to often so seeing a reboot is highly unlikely for me. Judge Dredd I might get around to one day
I probably wont even bother with Total Recall or Robocop, as much as I liked the originals they aren't movies I'd go back to often so seeing a reboot is highly unlikely for me. Judge Dredd I might get around to one day

Huge fan of RoboCop myself.

Nothin on the original but thought the new Total Recall was decent.

I actually have it on blu ray (a gift) so maybe I might watch it in that case.
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Watching Tangerine and there was a really funny scene where
a taxi driver picks up a prostitute (Ana Foxxx the pornstar) on a specific street where people cruise for trannies and he's like "no I'll go down on you first" and she whips out her pussy and he's like "what the fuck is that" thinking she would have a penis and she's like "that's a pussy" and he calls her a trap and tells her to get the fuck out of his cab in disgust lmao.
This is a great movie.
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I loved that movie Tangerine.

I just finished watching Them! (1954) Science-Fiction black and white movie about radioactive killer ants (mutation due to the atomic bomb) killing people. I was surprised on how well done it was. Obviously, the ants looked a bit funny, and the background looked like pictures. However, with the technology and stuff they had I thought they did a good job. One thing that always stumps me with older movies is the way they talk. I find that they speak unnaturally fast, and sometimes I need to put the CC on because I just can't understand. I had the same thing happen with this movie. I suppose the way in which they spoke was really different for me. But yeah this movie was super cool.
the florida project is my favourite of baker's stuff so far, mostly 'cause it has willem dafoe in the downright sweetest role of his career.

tangerine is good though, great dardennes-ish ending.
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I prefer Tangerine just a little more than The Florida Project but it's for me an almost insignificant amount (might even flip once I buy and rewatch it though, just going by memory). I haven't seen much Sean Baker but every time he just impresses me.

Edit: just watched Wonder Woman, hard to believe so many people said this is one of the better superhero films. Not shitty but overly long, terrible action scenes, some pretty horrendous acting and they couldn't decide whether Diana was OP or vulnerable.
People are diving in front of bullets for her but she can throw tanks, people can get the drop on her but she is so fast she can see bullets coming at her and accurately deflect them.

Nothing worse than a superhero with a very vague power level, because so much drama is wasted on pretending like she might die, even though she can stampede across WW2 "No Man's Land" and one-(wo)man army the whole shit. Also right after she does that they arrive at a castle and decide to try and sneak in using some dumb ass elaborate trick even though WE ALL KNOW DIANA COULD JUST BUST THROUGH THE CASTLE IN 7 MINUTES.

le sigh, really wanted to like this one more than I did.
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gadot is pretty good IMO (not necessarily a good actress but she has an aura) but yeah the film sucks

Yeah I like Gadot a lot, she in no way contributed to the film's suckiness IMO. Her male counterpart was a terrible actor though, the scene where
he's trying to explain war and what needs to happen next on that tower after she kills the gas-huffing Nazi she thinks is Ares was cringe-inducing shit.