The Official Movie Thread

Cool. I've not ever seen Heavenly Creatures.
I was really surprised to lean he still owned the rights to that one. I would have figured Miramax had a stranglehold on it. It's pretty great and the crime it's based on is fascinating as well. The great Kiwi actress Sarah Peirse is in it and she was terrific in a Kiwi TV movie from my favoite NZ based directed David Blyth called A Woman of Good Character which is a cool connection.
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I dunno what I was smoking the last time I watched Prince of Darkness, because I rewatched it last night and even though I was very tired I was glued to the screen. Within the first ten minutes of the movie I was questioning how I could ever feel lukewarm about it, especially with that great soundtrack by Carpenter.

I can never underestimate the value of rewatching movies at this point.


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^ good flick

Watched this the other day


Liked it a lot. Guy is a dead ringer for Bronson. Apparently he's Hungarian so the little bit of dialogue he has is dubbed and it just adds to cheese/awesome factor. Not much to the movie, just goes around blowing away slime. Definitely filmed on the cheap, worth checking out just for the lookalike novelty, also heard it referred to as an unofficial Death Wish 6.

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^ good flick

Watched this the other day


Guy is a dead ringer for Bronson
the pic says "justice has a familiar face"
and then the actor looks like Bronson
this is prolly one of those things where the casting directer did a look-a-like-contest of somesort
like the way Brandon Routh looked eerily similar to Christopher Reeve