Approximately Infinite Universe
Watched that movie Gravity, visually quite brilliant but what's with the Marvel Movie-tier soundtrack? I probably would have liked it a lot more if it was more silent.
I was really surprised to lean he still owned the rights to that one. I would have figured Miramax had a stranglehold on it. It's pretty great and the crime it's based on is fascinating as well. The great Kiwi actress Sarah Peirse is in it and she was terrific in a Kiwi TV movie from my favoite NZ based directed David Blyth called A Woman of Good Character which is a cool connection.Cool. I've not ever seen Heavenly Creatures.
im either way on rewatching, sometimes it makes me wonder why the hell i ever liked a film
the pic says "justice has a familiar face"^ good flick
Watched this the other day
Guy is a dead ringer for Bronson
the pic says "justice has a familiar face"
and then the actor looks like Bronson
this is prolly one of those things where the casting directer did a look-a-like-contest of somesort
like the way Brandon Routh looked eerily similar to Christopher Reeve