The Official Movie Thread

yeah, i liked it too.

It's been over 10 years since you saw Children of Men? Damn, I saw it way more recently than that. What's his new one?

yeah i saw it the year it came out i think? the new one is roma, it's top of the 2018 RYM and metacritic charts and one of the favourites for best picture etc, not that i put any stock in that but yeah it's been ultra acclaimed so far. i assume a luddite like yourself wouldn't touch netflix with a ten foot pole, but it's out on there.
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In anticipation of The Favourite being released soon, I checked out Lanthimos' The Killing of a Sacred Deer the other day. I liked the premise and it was definitely unsettling but overall I prefer The Lobster. It didn't make sense to me why the characters talk in such stiff unnatural ways, particularly Farrell. The technique worked in The Lobster because it fitted with the theme of highlighting the shallowness and superficiality of human relationships and interactions, but I'm not sure what it added here particularly given it was not used consistently across all characters (ie Kidman's acting is quite natural). I also found Farrell's behaviour to be internally inconsistent as he reacts to the events affecting him. Sometimes he's the rational scientist, sometimes he's the frantic loving father, sometimes he's fearful and superstitious, sometimes he's angry and juvenile. I get that he's emotionally stunted, but I thought there was little rhyme or reason to his evolution/devolution as a character.