The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Nelson's Scruggs made my skin crawl more and more with every second. This is probably the vignette I most would've liked to see a feature-length version of if only to find out how uneasy I'd feel after 90+ minutes in the central character's company. Loved the gratuitous violence, can't remember laughing this hard at a kill since Riki-Oh. Didn't like the music much.
Near Algodones
This vignette has a lot of dreamlike qualities overall, the gaps in consciousness, the surreal situations and locales, the constant chance encounters like all the west is compressed into a single prairie. It's also pretty damn funny and Stephen Root's character is a riot. But the ending is what puts it over the top for me. There's an episode of Six Feet Under that opens with an infant in a crib watching a mobile overhead and then dying of SIDS. I reflect a lot on that scene and what it must be like to live a life like that. Now I imagine you wouldn't experience much of anything, but let's say hypothetically, that you had a developed consciousness at that age. All you saw were some pretty colors overhead, didn't make any sense of it because you hadn't even figured out basic fucking geometric shapes yet, and you experienced this but it didn't register anywhere, like a camera taking photographs without film. This was life in its entirety and then oblivion followed. The ending of this vignette reminded me of that scene, with Franco's character, being such a cipher he may as well be an infant in a grown man's body, living an incomprehensible life, seeing something pretty and then vanishing into oblivion.
Meal Ticket
A reflection on the relationship between art, artist, manager and audience, timeless and universally applicable. This story didn't need to be set in the west at all, not that the setting hurts it. This is my favorite vignette but I don't have much to say about it because it's mostly just a triumph of acting and atmosphere building.
All Gold Canyon
This is the slightest story in my opinion, and its main ideas feel stretched thin over its runtime. Still, Waits is great and it's a necessary change of palette after the previous vignette.
The Gal Who Got Rattled
A gripping slow-burner with an ending that surprised me with its abruptness; one of the nice things about the anthology format is that you don't know when a story is going to end and this vignette takes full advantage of that. I did find the shootout very unbelievable and it's ill fitting for what is otherwise the most grounded tale in this anthology.
The Mortal Remains
This one I altogether don't understand; it's possible I need to see it again. I just don't see how the gradual reveal that this stagecoach is headed for the underworld follows from, relates to or adds new meaning to the passengers' banter. The ending had me reacting: "So?" It at least works tonally; I liked the way the stagecoach became increasingly dismal over the course of the vignette.
Final ranking:
1. Meal Ticket
2. Near Algodones
3. The Gal Who Got Rattled
4. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
5. All Gold Canyon
6. The Mortal Remains