The Official Movie Thread

This is awesome, I love Slime City, The Video Dead, Nail Gun Massacre and a bunch of other more obvious films here but there's so many I haven't even heard of. Fucking bookmarked.

Probably seen about 65 - 75% off that list. So pretty good amount i still need to check out. #18 Blood Rage, if you haven't seen it, is pretty fucking nuts! One of my favorite slashers
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Quality list. Nightbeast, Bloody Moon, Anthropophagus, Mystics in Bali, The Oracle (got a major crush on the lead in that one), Nightmare in a Damaged Brain, The Boogeyman, ect… all quality. Great SOV picks as well. Interesting they went with Quadead Zone instead of Black Devil Doll from Hell. Bleeding Skull is a great site. They've got a book coming out on 90's video horror that I'm greatly looking forward to.
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Movie of the year so far. Hasn't got smashing reviews, but I loved it. Starts out as a languid noir in the vein of The Long Goodbye and Chinatown, rapidly becomes a Pynchon-esque urban Alice in Wonderland. Inherently silly but daring, outlandish and funny enough to get away with it.

I am a big fan of Jacques Audiard. A Prophet, Rust and Bone, The Beat My Heart Skipped, Read My Lips etc are all great films.
This, however, was really shit, I can't describe it any other way. Great cast largely wasted.

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i never liked even hyped audiard that much so i’ll give that a miss. i’m intrigued by under a silver lake though, even though i found it follows pretty overrated. seems very up my alley. kind of inherent vice-esque too?
sounds good. i consider it a 2019 release so i'll probably catch up with all the 2018-eligible stuff first, but i will definitely be watching it later this year.
haha i didn't post the chaw because his increasingly rabid, uh, SJW ramblings are likely to alienate the majority of users here before they've even got to the list. he's still one of the most tasteful and penetrating critics though, and i've already added a few of his picks to my watchlist.

I edited the First Reformed date from 2017 to 2018 on RYM, sick of these fucking festival-based release dates.

i'm thinking of making a list of everything semi-acclaimed that had its US theatrical premiere in 2018, if that would be a help to some people. i wasn't planning on being too strict about eligibilty rules though, people can do their own thing. personally i'm gonna include stuff that premiered in the UK in 2018 but not in the US til 2019 (not that many of those fucking exist, but there's a handful like the new mike leigh and whatnot).
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My problem with Chaw aren't his progressive ramblings (I like to read diverse views) but I just have trouble caring about the views of people who put drivel like Bumblebee in their lists. Saw that at the cinema the other day because my buddy had a free ticket and just... no.

There's some great stuff in here though, obviously.
haha. at least he only has it in the 41-45 range i guess? he has recommended quite a few shitty things over the years, but i'd say the same about every critic i know of.
haha i didn't post the chaw because his increasingly rabid, uh, SJW ramblings are likely to alienate the majority of users here before they've even got to the list. he's still one of the most tasteful and penetrating critics though, and i've already added a few of his picks to my watchlist.

Good point. I do roll my eyes at his tendency to make every review about Trump but I still respect his opinion and I'm usually psyched to see a movie he loved.

Speaking of FFC, Bill Chambers wrote a rave review of a 2018 movie adaption of Aniara, a thoroughly untranslatable Swedish epic poem that is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read (the poem, not the review.) I guess this is one of those festival-only releases that us regular mortals are gonna have to wait a billion years to see but I'm super hyped for this and it's certainly something to keep an eye out for in 2019.
ah yeah, i remember reading that review. it sucks reading about shit that isn't distributed and might never be. one of the sites i read (i can't remember if it was reverse shot or cinemascope or film comment but one of those) does a list of top undistributed films of each year and it's like, fuck off just let me know when they've been released.
i kinda feel like everyone being burned out politically from the past few years is one of the main reasons trump got in in the first place. ditto with brexit here, everyone's just sick of the entire game at this point. the internet has made politics exponentially more annoying.