The Official Movie Thread

That was different, that was more like a fed up "let's shake the game up a bit" thing. I'm just like "DON'T CARE" the moment anything political comes up. Not nihilism or anarchy, just dead pulse.

I also squeezed out a shitload of politics to make room for checking out more music, more movies and so on. Could be it, fuck knows, but my eyes glazed over trying to read some of Chaw's more politically charged reviews and the other day a Ben Shapiro video autoplayed on Youtube and I almost puked.

First Reformed is supposed to be a political film so... this could be bad, haha.
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I just read somewhere that the film is being described as a political drama, and that the plot involves a political activist. I'll obviously take your word for it though.

Watching this one tonight:


Planning to revisit all my Johnnie To films, focusing on the ones I felt kind of lukewarm about upon initial viewing, and ending with my favourite of all the ones I actually own; Election.
Usually I hate reboots but I'll be inline for that one.

Kevin is a shadow of his former self these days.
Agreed, and I like Clerks 2 though I know it's very flawed. Tusk is pretty good, I was surprised so many people seemed to dislike it.

The last Smith film I saw was Cop Out, which I actually gave away.
Not being a fan of reboots I already have low expectations so I can only be pleasantly surprised :)

I think it's going to depend a lot on what Jay and SB can talk about. A lot of their old conversations probably don't pass muster with the current PC crowd telling people how they should act and what they should say.
No idea. I wouldn't have thought so given some of his routines but anything is possible I guess.
I think he might be, but regardless I have faith in his sense of humour perhaps more than anything else about him. If anybody could actually revive left-wing comedy in 2019 it would be him. He always championed things like LGBT rights in his films, but maybe he will have to curb some of the more Jay-centric stuff.
He's stated a few times that the Jay and SB stuff has often been done to raise money for Mewes to kick the drugs and Mewes as said some pretty whacked out shit that might make Kevin seem PC but I can't find anything (in a few minutes of searching) to suggest he's part of the crowd. He's made comments that he should have toned it down when picking on Ben Affleck because Garner didn't have a sense of humour but thats about all I found other than him supporting Obama which might make some people think he's gone PC.
I just mean he might find it harder to get away with writing all the sexist Jay lines these days. I can't remember what it was that made me think he leans SJW, but I could just be mixing him up with someone else.

Mewes is clean these days right?
Wiki editors are special kinds of people I reckon they'd be chomping at the bit to add news like a relapse to his page. They might be slower to add good news but bad news I'm sure would be there as soon as it happened.