The Official Movie Thread

i really feel like i need to rewatch buster scruggs before talking in any depth about it. i love what pompey says about 'near algodones' though. i'm more aligned with his reactions on first watch than the consensus - most people seem to hate 'meal ticket' and love 'all gold canyon'.
Thanks. My reflections on "Near Algodones" are rather personal and I wasn't sure they would make sense to anyone else, nor do I know if that's what the Coens were going for. I know a lot of critics dismissed it as the obvious weak link in the anthology though.
I think Doctor Strange is the best MCU film at this point, haven't seen anything after it though and don't really have a strong desire to do so. Winter Soldier, Homecoming and Ant-Man were also decent.


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i mean, i get it. it's the most overtly allegorical story, perhaps the most obvious in its intentions. in retrospect, it kind of exists to set up the punchline, the cruelty of which left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths. i think it would for me as well if they were lesser filmmakers, but they had me completely immersed to the point that it's haunted me since i saw it. aside from some of the aforementioned allegorical implications, i also think of it as being a spiritual successor to stroszek, i wouldn't be surprised to discover it was a direct influence.
if anything he champions populist shit more than the average critic, he isn't much of an arthouse guy. he's also the furthest you can get from easy target journalism, given he rose to prominence on the back of shitting on stuff that's unanimously loved and praising what's unanimously hated.

he's a self-righteous prick and a bad writer though, don't get me wrong.