The Official Movie Thread

Really wanna see that one.

Still ambivalent. It's predictable and not overly well done, but it's entertaining. It's lack of big Hollywood budget is part of it's appeal, as is sight seeing and picking out different parts of Melbourne (including the backwards street signs because it's suppose to be set in the US and they drive on the wrong side of the road). I wont give away too much but I think they dropped the ball in a few areas and the lack of original story came up by the very end which did make me feel like I'd seen it all before.
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Came across this while doing research for my syllabus this semester. I'm a big fan of Pontypool, and was hoping to do something with it for the multimedia portion of my class. Turns out, CBC made it into a radio play... :OMG:

I listened yesterday, it's pretty good. A lot of the dialogue tracks with the film, until the very end. It's also heavily abridged to a fit a one-hour radio program time slot.

I watched the original Point Break last night.

And that was where they should have left Point Break. It wasn't perfect, but it was a good movie.

I watch Christopher Robin, not quite as much action as Point Break but Tiggr is a bit of a daredevil.