Approximately Infinite Universe
@Vegard Pompey I saw that you gave You Were Never Really Here a perfect rating, man I can't wait to see that shit! Coming in the mail this week, so I'm busting out the big screen and the popcorn maker.
I hadn't considered the existence of the ravine and the symbolism therein, good eye. The film is so visually rich it's almost like a purposeful assault on the senses that I'm surprised I remember anything at all. But the church within the earth being burned to ashes almost feels like a returns to the earth from whence it came kind of idea. That might seem cliche and in a way it is but if this film can be taken as any kind of statement on religion it could be that religion is man-made and therefore can be man-unmade and returned to nature from which humans also come from.
I liked your insistence that one of the film's qualities is that it emphasizes the cosmic scale of things, but more than that it isn't just that it emphasizes the cosmic scale of existence, but that it also more purposefully de-emphasizes the scale humans attribute to ourselves and that even our most unearthly creations like religion are really just a pile of ashes and corpses in a ravine somewhere, in a galaxy that didn't even notice in the first place. The idea of cosmic horror.
Regarding the tiger; I saw it as the tiger inside the cage (or should I say the tiger inside Cage, lmao) is a metaphor ("let the tiger out of the cage") for drugs being the means to open and expand consciousness, much like Jung's experimentations in The Red Book, and this is why the chemist who creates the drugs in the film has the tiger in a cage and releases it at the same place in the film that Cage tries the drugs that the Black Skulls take. I think this is the moment in the film that Cage lets the tiger out of himself, and this might tie into the character's past because clearly there's something to the scene where he visits Bill Duke's character in the caravan and he says something like "been awhile since I've seen you" if you remember?
We get the vital information that the tiger represents Cage in some way after the credits are done, did you watch that far?
I was thinking of the worthiness/epic quest element because I thought the chemist said something along the lines of "If the tiger lets you live..." which I took to mean it was a test of Red's valor/worthiness/etc.
you guys should watch beyond the black rainbow, i feel like that actually went down better than mandy but way less people saw it. it’s also pretty metal.
i thought it was an edit at first, but no, it actually happens in the movie and looks that awful lol