Oblivious Maximus
I am the worm
El Topo and The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (Jodorowsky and Gabriel).
A great read for Jodo and Genesis fans.
A great read for Jodo and Genesis fans.
El Topo and The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (Jodorowsky and Gabriel).
A great read for Jodo and Genesis fans.
I'd really love to read the script Jodo and Gabriel worked on. Just imagine what a film of that album would be like. Jodorowsky is probably the only one that could pull something like that off. Maybe Ken Russell, and this was around the time of Tommy and Lisztomania, but the story of the album actually sounds like a musical version of a Jodorowsky story.LLDoB is such a fucking great album. Thanks for sharing. Makes sense that Gabriel is a Jodorowsky fan.
Going to see High Life tomorrow. We'll see if it lives up to the hype...
Sounds like Egoyan back in his element. No mention of Arsinée, though. Surely she'll be in it, though.Thewlis (Harry Potter, Wonder Woman) plays Jim, dad to Veronica (De Oliveira), a young high-school music teacher. The two attempt to unravel their complicated histories and intertwined secrets in the film which weaves through time exploring perception and penance, memory and forgivenes
When a hoax instigated by an aggressive school bus driver (Rossif Sutherland) goes very wrong, Veronica is accused of abusing her position of authority with 17-year-old Clive (Alexandre Bourgeois) and other students, and is imprisoned. Convinced she deserves to be punished for crimes she committed at an earlier age, Veronica rebuffs her father’s attempts to secure her early release. Confused and frustrated by Veronica’s intransigence, Jim’s anguish begins to impinge on his job. As a food inspector, he wields great power over small, family-owned restaurants. It’s a power he doesn’t hesitate to use.
While preparing Jim’s funeral, Veronica confides the secrets of her past to Father Greg (Wilson) who may hold the final piece of the puzzle.
6) Lords of Chaos (Dir. Jonas Åkerlund)
as you might expect from a former bathory drummer who ended up working with britney spears and blink 182, this is guilty of the "poseurdom" it heavy-handedly lampoons (the ugly commercial sheen of the visuals may accidentally be its best ironic joke), too busy alternately pandering to the normies and the gorehounds to bother with any genuine insights or coherent perspective on the norwegian black metal scene. i wish it was way smarter about it, but i didn't mind that it was mostly taking the piss--in fact, i kind of wish it had gone full-on dorky teen poseur comedy, because the scenes when it gets serious are just embarrassing, especially the interminable, ridiculously scripted climax. i'm unsurprised and glad they didn't get the rights to any 2nd wave stuff (mayhem aside), although it's only the presence of sarcofago, tormentor, holy terror, a-ha, grotesque (m)et al that keeps it watchable.
man, i wish sion sono stayed on board, that would've been a fucking trip. it was pretty nuts when a guy started spazzing out and projectile vomiting two rows behind me immediately after dead shot himself in the head (i guess don't watch this if you're epileptic). after my stomach episode the following evening, i could relate. 3/10
5) The Dead Center (Dir. Billy Senese)
prior to the screening senese mentioned in his preview that he was inspired by '70s paranoid thrillers like All The President's Men, The Conversation and The Parallax View, which pricked up my ears, but aside from some cool aerial surveillance shots and the hopeless fatalism of its story arc (its one lingering quality) this is more derivative of The Exorcist III than anything from that era, unfortunately attaining only a smidgen of the personality (as embodied by shane carruth, who should stick to directing) while adopting a few too many of modern horror's bad habits. 4.5/10
One Eye! Or Anita, whichever you prefer, though the former is fucking iconic. Never head of this new film, though.(it stars christina lindberg, who was present at the screening... i bet @Oblivious Maximus knows who that is)
Sort of like getting gonorrhea and going "At least it's not AIDS".Church-burning racists vs. an inaccurate hipster flick.
Yeah, probably a better perception than the current one.