The Official Movie Thread

Watched Miami Vice last night. I was surprised how much I enjoyed it (I'm normally not a big fan of Mann's literalist approach). Moved at a cracking pace and Foxx and Farrell managed to pull off the straight-faced bad-ass posturing that bordered on the ridiculous. Not convinced by the unnecessarily grimy colour scheme borrowed from The Wire, the dodgy soundtrack or the frankly awful sex scenes though.

@RadicalThrasher see this yet? I was Googling some info on Charles Bronson and this randomly popped up, Bronzi's latest!

Poster rules too:

No, first time seeing or hearing anything about it. I'll have to hunt down so more info, looks worth checking out. Only movie I've actually seen with Bronzi in it so far was Death Kiss. Extremely low budget but entertaining. This looks to be more of the same.

And yeah that poster is pretty badass.
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EDIT: nvm it's actually just this youtube vid that has random cuts for no reason.

Yeah I noticed it looked buggy, the proper trailer upload won't embed for some reason.

No, first time seeing or hearing anything about it. I'll have to hunt down so more info, looks worth checking out. Only movie I've actually seen with Bronzi in it so far was Death Kiss. Extremely low budget but entertaining. This looks to be more of the same.

Only other movie of his I know about is some western with Dead Wood in the title, I need to track down Death Kiss already.
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Saw Calvin and Hobbes do Fast & Furious last night.
Haven't really liked a F&F movie since the first one and wasn't overly excited about seeing this one but I was pleasantly surprised. The characters might have come from the franchise but these two for me have more value than the rest of the F&F franchise does. There was still cars and explosions and unrealistic stunts but there was also some good one liners and comments throughout.
Rewatched A history of violence and mannnnn that film is fucking cheese and bad now. Crazy I ranked it similarly to eastern promises for awhile
i thought that movie was cheesy and kind of lame the first time i saw it. Eastern Promises isnt even that good either ... thought viggos acting was pretty much shit and he was about as far from nailing a real Russian gangster/mobster as possible. Anyone from russia or the old soviet would probably look at that film as a parody or even a comedy, especially when he's on screen.

In what way? And how far does it deviate from the novel it's based on? Dialogue is horribly cheesy and the story screams graphic novel..
There are more good graphic novels that came out in the last 20 years than there are good movies. So that's not really a knock. Youre right about the dialogue though, anyone that doesnt think it's cheesy is probably not from the US, so you cant really blame them.
Eastern Promises isnt even that good either ... thought viggos acting was pretty much shit and he was about as far from nailing a real Russian gangster/mobster as possible. Anyone from russia or the old soviet would probably look at that film as a parody or even a comedy, especially when he's on screen.

There are stories that between scenes Viggo would go to Russian restaurants in London with all his tattoos still drawn on and people would fall silent as he walked in out of fear. It made him uneasy enough times that he started washing them off anytime he left the set (which I'm sure really pissed off the make-up artist).