The Official Movie Thread



Just got back from Doctor Sleep. Absolutely blown away. The trailer made it look very fanservicey but I found the better part of the movie to be pretty damn original (long-distance psionic duels between a clan of vampires and a recovering alcoholic and his child protege? Fuck. Yes.) The Overlook Hotel segment was the only part of the movie that didn't totally work for me, I think due to contradictions between King's and Kubrick's respective visions of the Overlook. Even that had its moments. Overall, a near-masterpiece.
Just saw Gaslight.


First off, Ingrid Bergman is fucking incredible. I know the ingenue archetype is something of a historical artifact by now, but the way she pulls it off is pure magic, all the more so because her acting and character are such a product of the times.

I think I've gotten better at noticing the subtle details of noir cinematography, cause there was a scene at the beginning where she moves forward from shadow into sunlight, right as this guy she's talking to says something that makes her face light up with joy, and the synergy between the light and her emotions just blew me away.

The abusive relationship makes this hard to watch for a while, but I got more into it toward the end as the focus turns toward her crazy monologues.
Finally got around to seeing once upon a time in Hollywood.

Guess Tarantino got tired of getting shit on for dropping n bombs so he just went nice on the female violence :lol:

Guess I need to read up and watch the film again to try and understand it better. Didn't make a whole lot of sense to me, from a film making standpoint after one viewing.