The Official Movie Thread

Saying something isn’t debatable is the loser’s retreat.
No, stating facts like "they are both action movies" and "its not as dark or gritty as the first one" isnt something that can be debated you dimwit. Thats like asking me to debate if dumb and dumber is a comedy film.

That’s the go-to comment for someone who doesn’t have a fucking argument. Go home son.
No evidence, no details. Great.
evidence? Lmfao, i need evidence to say that its not as dark or gritty or that they are both action orientated movies? Are you fucking retarded? Were talking about movies that we have all seen. What in the world are you even talking about? "evidence" lmfao

you dont see that why i think that Aliens and Alien 3 are basically action orientated movies while the first one wasn't? Are you really going to try and argue this? And for the third time, it is in no way as dark or gritty as the first one. That's pretty much a fact and anyone who implies it is should never talk about those movies again. Those are the two things i said and to be honest they're not even debatable.

All three movies are different, but i'll just go ahead and say it again ... Alien 3 is closer to Aliens than it is to the first one.

oh and lulz @ "alien in da tunnelz .. looks like da first one" :lol:

Who said it was as dark and gritty in the first place? I said it was more in the same spirit as the first than the second. Yes the movie has action elements, but it's way less bombastic than Aliens and it's more claustrophobic and horror themed like the first film. Again, never said anything about it being as dark and gritty, just closer to that side of things than the sci-fi/action of Aliens.

Also like Ein pointed out, Alien³ takes us back to there being just one xenomorph to deal with which is a completely different dynamic to fighting an entire nest of them. That's the last film in the entire franchise to pit humans against just one xenomorph. There are many parallels between the two films.

Notice how Aliens doesn't have horror in there either?
No, stating facts like "they are both action movies" and "its not as dark or gritty as the first one" isnt something that can be debated you dimwit. Thats like asking me to debate if dumb and dumber is a comedy film.

evidence? Lmfao, i need evidence to say that its not as dark or gritty or that they are both action orientated movies? Are you fucking retarded? Were talking about movies that we have all seen. What in the world are you even talking about? "evidence" lmfao


You can’t just state your opinion on shit and think that qualifies as an argument. Back it up, motherfucker.
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Who said it was as dark and gritty in the first place? I said it was more in the same spirit as the first than the second.
You said it was dark and gritty, like the first one. That is 100% incorrect

Yes the movie has action elements, but it's way less bombastic than Aliens and it's more claustrophobic and horror themed like the first film. Again, never said anything about it being as dark and gritty, just closer to that side of things than the sci-fi/action of Aliens.
i never said it was

Also like Ein pointed out, Alien³ takes us back to there being just one xenomorph to deal with which is a completely different dynamic to fighting an entire nest of them. That's the last film in the entire franchise to pit humans against just one xenomorph. There are many parallels between the two films.

I dont care about any of that here. Just pointing out they are very different movies.

Notice how Aliens doesn't have horror in there either?

Dude i said that it is nowhere near as dark or gritty as the first one, and i also said that they are both action orientated movies, to which you laughed. So again. what part of those two statements were funny or incorrect to you?

I think all three movies are different, and none of them come close to capturing the dark, oppressive or gritty as the first one. Not even close tbh. That being said Alien 3 is basically void of the kind of eerie suspense or psychological horror that the first one had. Instead it has a good amount of action and falls more in line with Aliens than it does with Alien...... especially in execution, it may share some similarities in parts of the writing but the execution and the actual films are like night and day.
Dude i said that it is nowhere near as dark or gritty as the first one, and i also said that they are both action orientated movies, to which you laughed. So again. what part of those two statements were funny or incorrect to you?

Both. You're claiming Alien³ is action orientated just like Aliens, yet completely ignoring that Alien and Alien³ are also both horror orientated films. Hence the Alien³ "horror" tag on the image you shared.

I think all three movies are different, and none of them come close to capturing the dark, oppressive or gritty as the first one. Not even close tbh. That being said Alien 3 is basically void of the kind of eerie suspense or psychological horror that the first one had. Instead it has a good amount of action and falls more in line with Aliens than it does with Alien...... especially in execution, it may share some similarities in parts of the writing but the execution and the actual films are like night and day.

I agree all 3 are different, but lol to the rest and we can leave it there.
Both. You're claiming Alien³ is action orientated just like Aliens, yet completely ignoring that Alien and Alien³ are also both horror orientated films. Hence the Alien³ "horror" tag on the image you shared.

So im incorrect for saying that they are both action orientated films even though that's a correct statement? :lol: got it. And just to help you out, the point of that picture was to show that they are both action orientated movies. While the first one wasnt. At all. I never claimed Aliens was a horror movie even though we all know there is horror sprinkled throughout the film.

And LMFAO for again implying that its anywhere near as dark or gritty as the first one. Im honestly surprised with this and am going to have to take anything you say about movies with a grain of salt from now on.

I agree all 3 are different, but lol to the rest and we can leave it there.
lol at the rest ? I guess i can also lol at how retarded someone would have to be to think Alien and Alien3 are similar movies.
... i know you love putting black barrels in your mouth, but you would need a lot more than a .22 to do some damage to that dense skull of yours.

"I never said it's as dark and gritty as da first one but its as dark and gritty as da first one but its not as dark and gritty as the first one but it's...."

You're easily one of the most black and white thinkers I've come across. You actually think me laughing at you saying "it's nowhere near as dark or gritty" is the exact same as me saying "it's as dark and gritty" lmfao.

I'd tell you to go blow your brains out but you'd probably just fire a round up your asshole in confusion.
You're easily one of the most black and white thinkers I've come across.
i think this is hilarious coming from one of the most shallow people i have ever come across in my life. How many times have i pointed out how much of simpleton you are?

"oh i never said it's as dark or gritty as the first one... that's a hilarious thing to say herder .... but it kind of is herpetyderpety" Lmfao, get the fuck outta here with your usual backtracking. You're so up your own ass sometimes that you forget what your own stances on some of these "debates" are hahaha. And again the funniest part here is that its coming from someone as simple and shallow as yourself.

and just for some more lulz ...
black and white thinkers .
I'm up my own ass says the guy who exclaimed he will have to take what I say about movies with a grain of salt from now on, like anybody gives a shit. :lol:

Oh no, the guy who watches entire movies and shits on them only to realise it wasn't the right movie no longer trusts my opinions. How will I ever recover from such a devastating loss of confidence?
the guy who watches entire movies and shits on them only to realise it wasn't the right movie
:lol: The fact that you know exactly why i ended up watching the wrong movie(wrong link from the same bootleg sites you asked me for) shows just how lame you are for even thinking that it's some kind of dig. I wrote down the names of a few movies from the 2019 thread that i said i was completely unfamiliar with. The movie name, genre, year and thumbnail i searched matched up with he 2019 film in Wainds' list but linked me to the wrong movie. And yes, at least i watched the whole thing before shitting on it since im not a falser like you, yoda, krow etc.

How will I ever recover from such a devastating loss of confidence?
is that what you thought i was doing? Taking a shot at your confidence?:rofl: Like i said, get your head out of your ass. I bet its smeared in so much shit that you look just like Kirk Lazarus

and lol @ the right movie comment. This coming from a guy who tries telling me what the "right and wrong" movies are before he's even seen them? Lmfao. pure gold. I think a nice good cough will pop your head back out of that loose ass of yours.