The Official Movie Thread

Watched the sequel to that Scott Adkins/Jesse V. Johnson movie The Debt Collector the other day. Anybody who likes buddy/action/martial arts movies with as little CGI as possible and good banter should check those movies out.

I feel like this whole fight scene was an homage to the classic fight in They Live (which I know is Adkins' favourite movie fight ever made). Adkins rules.
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I feel like this whole fight scene was an homage to the classic fight in They Live (which I know is Adkins' favourite movie fight ever made). Adkins rules.

Have you seen the two Hyams-directed Universal Soldier movies? Adkins has the lead role in Day of Reckoning.
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Lame of me but I've only seen the first one. I think maybe I saw the next two at a buddy's house but that would have been years ago. Will have to fix that though if Adkins is in one of them!

About to watch


How was this? I meant to ask you at the time. A buddy has recommended it to me, but he also didn't seem wildly enthusiastic about it, so it's thrown me off lol.
I actually liked Regeneration more (mainly because it's the better JCVD/Lundgren movie) but they're both great and distinctive.

Also both movies have terrific commentary tracks, it's just Hyams and Lundgren shooting the shit about the practicalities of filming action movies and various other subjects, and you can tell that Lundgren is really on board with Hyams' vision for the franchise. On the commentary track for the second film, he mentions at the start that he's only got time to comment the first half hour or so but he ends up sticking around for the whole thing anyway.
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Lame of me but I've only seen the first one. I think maybe I saw the next two at a buddy's house but that would have been years ago. Will have to fix that though if Adkins is in one of them!

How was this? I meant to ask you at the time. A buddy has recommended it to me, but he also didn't seem wildly enthusiastic about it, so it's thrown me off lol.

It was alright. It starts out with a pretty serious tone then shifts to comedy. Some parts were pretty fucking funny.

...and you should definitely check out the the newer Universal Soldier movies. Badass!
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Finally caught The Lodge last night--2019 film from Veronika Franz and Severin Fiala, same duo who created Goodnight, Mommy.

The Lodge doesn't quite live up to their previous work, although it's still a strong film with a LOT of similarities to GM. Riley Keough is great, as is the actor who plays the daughter (never seen her before, but holy shit does she have to do a lot of crying--hard work). The great thing about Franz and Fiala is that they play on cliches, luring you in with a certain set of expectations before turning them back around on you. This worked really well in GM, and was still successful in The Lodge, I thought; although maybe I'm just more gullible than others. :D

So, I just watched the Kristen Stewart movie Underwater. It's got mediocre reviews, but fuck me--it's a good movie. Is it derivative? Yes, but it excels in its derivation (Alien nods all over the place, and well done). And the
Lovecraftian twist won me over, no surprise there.

I also have to say, I loved the narrative tempo; it was unexpected but worked great. Basically an adrenaline rush from about the five-minute mark.
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Saw Tenet yesterday. Thought it was great and I want to see it again. Haven't seen the last couple Nolan films but this was the most Nolan-y film that I've seen. (The most mechanical, most plot-over-character-driven, the most convoluted, etc.) I can see from the reviews a lot of people respond negatively to that sort of indulgence but I kinda appreciate seeing directors go all-in on their hallmarks sometimes and produce their most characteristic movie. Wasn't a super huge fan of Inception but this was basically the parts of Inception I actually liked, times ten.

On a negative note I am struggling to remember most of the action scenes. There's certainly nothing on the level of creativity of the rotating hallway scene in Inception.

I dont mind the plot-heavy approach, but I found it convoluted and detached. It didnt help that half the dialogue was mumbled or overpowered by other sounds. It moved at ADD pace and never really took the time to develop a sense of tension or stakes. Unlike say the recent Mission Impossible movies which move at breakneck speed but know when to slow it down to build up to one of the big action set pieces. Maybe Tenet will improve on a second viewing but I was pretty uninvested in it, a pity given how fantastic the concept is.