Active Member
I rewatched that last week too. Still so damn good after all these watches.
I feel like this whole fight scene was an homage to the classic fight in They Live (which I know is Adkins' favourite movie fight ever made). Adkins rules.
About to watch
Lame of me but I've only seen the first one. I think maybe I saw the next two at a buddy's house but that would have been years ago. Will have to fix that though if Adkins is in one of them!
How was this? I meant to ask you at the time. A buddy has recommended it to me, but he also didn't seem wildly enthusiastic about it, so it's thrown me off lol.
Saw Tenet yesterday. Thought it was great and I want to see it again. Haven't seen the last couple Nolan films but this was the most Nolan-y film that I've seen. (The most mechanical, most plot-over-character-driven, the most convoluted, etc.) I can see from the reviews a lot of people respond negatively to that sort of indulgence but I kinda appreciate seeing directors go all-in on their hallmarks sometimes and produce their most characteristic movie. Wasn't a super huge fan of Inception but this was basically the parts of Inception I actually liked, times ten.
On a negative note I am struggling to remember most of the action scenes. There's certainly nothing on the level of creativity of the rotating hallway scene in Inception.
A masterpiece! My favorite film of all time