As soon as I saw all the fake facial hair and wigs on the cast I was like "okay, this is gonna be a slog" lmao.
lol yeah, usually a red flag innit. same deal with stuff like THE BIG SHORT and AMERICAN HUSTLE.
Mank is the best thing David Fincher has ever done.
Watched Brandon Cronenberg's Possessor tonight. Really good, felt some Beyond the Black Rainbow vibes, especially re. visuals. Overall better film than Beyond though, I thought--more of a cohesive plot and good narrative pacing. Also,
fucking devastating ending; and I enjoyed the ambiguity, unsure how much had been engineered in advance and how much Tasya concocted on her own. Either way, wild shit.
Would you recommend this? I've heard good things from a lot of viewers, but the critical response was so poor.