The Official Movie Thread

Checked these two out today:

ON-THE-ROCKS-POSTER.jpg unhinged_ver8_xlg.jpg

On the Rocks - The new film by Sofia Coppola. Pretty good, some fun moments, some deep moments, but by the end it felt somewhat redundant. I'm not sure whether there was supposed to be a deeper meaning which is fine in some cases but this felt like there was supposed to be one. Acting was on point though.

Unhinged - The new road rage thriller starring Russell Crowe. This was brutal and my issues with it ended up being the opposite of On the Rocks, not that it had much meaning but it brought the key elements a thriller/slasher should have. Quite a nasty movie, no soft blows here at all. But unlike On the Rocks, some of the acting was a bit shit (mostly from Kyle the teen actor in it) and as such there was an oddly detached tone to the movie. These people should be more horrified by what's happening to them than they are. Crowe is fucking great though and saves it from any ruination.

A bit later I'll be checking out:

That's the same image on the cover for the New Rose Hotel UK DVD but it says "Walken".

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After ages of everybody telling me Argo was the greatest thing Ben Affleck had ever done I finally sat down and watched it. Honestly I couldn't even get beyond the campy aesthetic they went with, but that movie had so many problems I don't even know where to start. I didn't hate it though, there were some enjoyable moments.

@no country for old wainds reading your review was more entertaining than the movie tbh, that one really triggered you haha. As I was reading it I was imagining your face looking like Ben Affleck's that one time when Sam Harris upset him on Bill Maher.
I honestly don't even know if I share no country's antipathy for Argo's chauvinism because I can't remember a goddamn thing about that movie and I generally have an excellent memory for cinema. Don't know how they managed to make such a forgettable movie with such a great cast and premise.
i hate that argo review, it’s my most liked review on letterboxd and i’d never write something like that now, i want my harry potter one to overtake it lmao. still a shitty movie of course but also completely forgettable as pompey says. tbf it seems like it’s the most widely forgotten of all the best picture winners of recent memory aside from like the king’s speech or w/e
As soon as I saw all the fake facial hair and wigs on the cast I was like "okay, this is gonna be a slog" lmao. But yeah I can't believe how mediocre it was considering that shit actually happened.

lol no shit. But doesn't sound like the movie is like either

I can't believe how much trouble you're having with this. :lol: