The Official Movie Thread

Loves most movie genres but I don't enjoy unrealistic action movies with a bunch of fake ass explosions UNLESS they have great characters like "V" from "V for Vendetta" and The Joker from "The Dark Knight". I love horror movies, My favorite one is probably The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974). I also really enjoy love movies (especially those with sad endings), I like some "growing up / teen" movies. My favorite movies of all time are: Lord of the Rings (all three movies), Narnia (1 and 2), Pirates of the Caribbean (all 4) and Star Wars.
What's the GMD opinion on Dark City (1998)? The "then came the Stranger's" quote is a popular sample in DnB which is how I found out about it. Is it worth checking out, or is the quote just used to scare people on LSD?
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I just got Netflix DVD delivery service but I have no idea what to get. They don't have Martyrs, Audition, Possession, A Serbian Film etc. and it's pissing me off

Any recs? I just want to watch something interesting
I just got Netflix DVD delivery service but I have no idea what to get. They don't have Martyrs, Audition, Possession, A Serbian Film etc. and it's pissing me off

Any recs? I just want to watch something interesting

having a quick look at the library:
green room (punks vs. nazis thriller)
the wailing (crazy asian horror)
the hateful eight (latest tarantino)
the nice guys (fun black comedy by the kiss kiss bang bang dude)
drag me to hell (i haven't seen but it's sam raimi going back to his horror roots)
shaun of the dead (you've prob seen this)
the descent (dykes vs. gollums horror)
the mist (cult classic horror throwback)
the devil's rejects (youve prob seen this)
slither (bit of a cult horror classic)
the midnight meat train (supposedly good clive parker adaptation that isn't hellraiser)
sinister (another recentish horror that's got a cult following)
seven samurai (duh. there's other kurosawas like rashomon, yojimbo too)
battle royale (duh)
the host (quality asian monster movie)
irreversible (classic rape revenge)
the skin i live in (crazy ass trashy horror-thriller)
I'm the same with Netflix right now, no good movies, can't even finish them cuz they suck balls
Recently went to see Guardians of The Galaxy, never seen the first one, last few times went to the theatre wanted to see it, it was pretty cool, good cast. Slither is one of my favorites. Shaun of The Dead is a good one.
What's the GMD opinion on Dark City (1998)? The "then came the Stranger's" quote is a popular sample in DnB which is how I found out about it. Is it worth checking out, or is the quote just used to scare people on LSD?

I've only seen it once and it was a good while ago, but i didn't like it.

Anyone going to watch Alien: Covenant tomorrow?

I'm the same with Netflix right now, no good movies, can't even finish them cuz they suck balls

Yeah man, i cancelled my account last week. Didn't watch shit on it outside of Trailer Park Boys.

:lol: Fucking hell
What's the GMD opinion on Dark City (1998)? The "then came the Stranger's" quote is a popular sample in DnB which is how I found out about it. Is it worth checking out, or is the quote just used to scare people on LSD?

I liked that film a lot, could do with re-watching it.

I'd also recommend Welt am Draht and, to a lesser extent Alphaville.