The Official Movie Thread

I got around to watching watchmen last night, and really enjoyed it. Good story, good characters and all. What did you guys find wrong with it? And no I didn't read the novel
There's one thing wrong with Watchmen.
they arent releasing the movie with the Black Freighter woven in until December! :mad:
Saw the premiere of a movie called Van Dieman's Land last night. It's a true story about a group of convicts in Tasmania in the early 19th century who escape and run off into the wilderness with only a few days worth of food, hoping to find the nearest settlement. As they get hungrier they turn on each other and slowly descend into crazed paranoid cannibals. It was a fucking great film, a brutally dark tale of the depths of human depravity.

Teaser here:
Has anyone seen Pusher here? Just saw it and really liked what I saw.

I also saw Dead Ringers for the second time today and its even better the second time around. Cronenburg is quickly becoming my favorite director.
I think Borat was really overrated, and I've heard that Brüno is supposed to be a bit worse than Borat. The guy who plays Brüno's assistant is one of my favourite wuss actors though, so I might watch it because of that.
I saw Funny People the other day. It was alright...I wasn't floored by it. However, I think a lot of people are going to go into it expecting something other than what the movie really is. My girlfriend, afterwards, said, "I wanted to laugh not be depressed!"
I kind of see it as a serious movie about the topic of death and failed relationships, just filled with funny comedians rather than a comedy. There really weren't any funny situations, just situations with lots of funny people. I guess the title is fitting if you look at it that way.
I also saw Dead Ringers for the second time today and its even better the second time around. Cronenburg is quickly becoming my favorite director.

still one of the best movies i've ever seen, and cronenberg's best for sure

I avoided seeing that today just because of how mindblowingly unfunny Adam Sandler is.

ever since punch drunk love i feel like i should give certain sandler movies a chance

bruno is great to watch with mates, not sure how good it'd be watching alone