The Official Movie Thread

You're having a Burton discussion and haven't mentioned his best damn movie: Nightmare Before Christmas!

He didn't direct that, that's why it hasn't been mentioned. It's sad that the actual writer and director will never be remembered because of that asshole; like I said, he's a glorified stage designer. Hell, I was surprised that Big Fish DIDN'T have Johnny Depp or Bonham Carter in it, as those two people are so damn closely tied with him.

Original Batman was fucking campy for how dark and gothic it was supposed to be. Keaton was an excellent Batman, but a terrible Bruce Wayne (like how Bale is an excellent Bruce Wayne, but a terrible Batman in most ways). Beetlejuice was awesome, strangely because of Keaton (I mean shit, compare his Batman role to this - polar opposites!).

Edwards Scissorhands was just weird as hell, but it worked for what it was the same way Beetlejuice did.

Planet of the Apes was a shitfest.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was fucking stupid, and was mainly centered around Depp being wacky har har like always.

Batman Returns was terrible. Do I really need to say more? The only good part about that movie was DeVito.

Corpsebride had TWO directors, and multiple writers just like Nightmare did; so both those movies are hardly Burton's own creation (he's more than likely given credit though because his name is associated with his early success' Beetlejuice and Edward Scissorhands, and his name being plastered all over Nightmare Before Christmas)

Mars Attacks was stupid, but funny because it was so stupid.

Sleep Hollow.... meh.

The only thing I am looking forward too is this movie that Burton is helping finance. My only hope is he doesn't shit it up with his aesthetic.
He didn't direct that, that's why it hasn't been mentioned. It's sad that the actual writer and director will never be remembered because of that asshole; like I said, he's a glorified stage designer. Hell, I was surprised that Big Fish DIDN'T have Johnny Depp or Bonham Carter in it, as those two people are so damn closely tied with him.

As much as we like to pretend, being the director doesn't make you the god of the film. Many directors are quite involved with the overall look of the film, but some only work with the performance of the actors.

Now I'm not Tim Burton's biggest fan, but saying he didn't contribute much to Nightmare Before Christmas is just stupid. He did come up with the story for it, and a lot of the concept artwork for it. I'm sure Henry Selick had lots to contribute as well, but Burton's name was hardly just being plastered on there to make the movie successful. The project was very much his own idea and his own design. Just because he took a backseat as the producer doesn't mean he wasn't heavily involved with how the film would end up. There are plenty of examples of producers as auteurs in the film industry.
He came up with the character design and some of the story, Caroline Thompson did the rest (the screenplay, the refining of the characters, everything else). He was responsible mainly for the art, and that is what he should be credited with. Instead everyone thinks he is the director, or THE writer - which is just plain false. I'm honestly just tired of all the raging hard-on's I see about Burton when the man doesn't have that great of a filmography to back it up. That's pretty much it[/rant]

The original batman is so fucking amazing you should just die

Cornhole me you buttfucker. Suck on my big fat juicy wiener. Dip cottage cheese into my ass.
Then go fuck yourself and take your opinion with you.
It's not like he doesn't take advantage of it, but fuck if he can take advantage of them then whatever.
Burton has surely done a fair share amount of good movies, and I dont like his nightmare before xmas, planet of the apes, sweeny todd and havent seen a few others. But you take ur lil anti goth angst somewhere else! pretty rare to have a mainstream director creating credible films, especially past 5 or 6