The Official Trek Thread

Now someone needs to make a vid of every time Picard demands the impossible from Geordi.

"Captain I'll do what I can, but its gonna take me at least 40 minutes to recalibrate these!"

"Do it in five."

A keen understanding of 'black people time'. Quit fucking around, Geordi.
I've only watched TNG. I tried to get into the Shatner one, I really did, but having started with something totally different I just couldn't.
That is true... ^ but not at least watching the original series instantly lessens the legitimacy of ones opinions about Star Trek as a whole.

Sit and watch at least a full season sometime Carpe. There are so many gems in the first two seasons, that you will regret not having done so.

THEN if a full season doesn't turn your crank, go onto movies 1-6, omitting 5.
Voyager is my second favorite. It holds the closest to the ideals of exploration in deep space out of all the Star Treks. Yeah the execution is flawed at times but every series had its stinker episodes (except TNG, the only stinkers were Skin of Evil and Shades of Gray).
So, I'm working on a song about Voyager, but specifically 'Caretaker'. The first part kinda sucks so I'm just kinda writing ideas down as they come to me regarding the pilot and then the overall premise of Voyager's journey.